Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Libra and Scorpio

Libra and Scorpio have a very good chance of being happy as a couple. Scorpio wants to be one with the partner and Libra wants love to take their breath away. They are very attracted to each other, so something substantial can come out of this union.

Degree of compatibility between Libra and Scorpio

emotional connection: Strong. Communication: Below average. Trust and reliability: Below average. common values: Average. intimacy and sex: Strong

Scorpio will energize Libra with their intense way of life, they want something emotional, but their partners yearn for a stable relationship, Libra being a sign for whom things are happening more in the mind.

When Libra falls in love, they first think about what a relationship with the person they fell in love with would be like. Scorpio lovers are more lucid and realistic about this, and can guess everything about the emotional state of the partner.

When they fall in love, Libra wants a give and take relationship. Scorpio becomes dramatic, more reserved and even jealous. They are neighbors in the zodiac, so they have some things in common. An objective Scorpio will always keep a Libra confident that the path they are both taking in life is safe. Libra needs someone who offers them space, but ultimately someone who is flexible and open-minded.

When Libra and Scorpio fall in love…

The Libra-Scorpio relationship can be compared to the moment when night meets day. People born under the Libra sign are sunny and outspoken, the flower children of the zodiac, while Scorpio sun signs are mystical and reserved, keeping things to themselves because they don’t want to get hurt.

Since you both like live music and going out at night, you might run into each other at a club or concert.

At first, Libra will be fascinated by Scorpio’s intense gaze. It will be interesting for him or her to have someone so fascinated by who they are. There are not many things that they have in common, but one thing is for sure, they are both interested in something long term and they place a lot of importance on romance.

However, in Libra, these things can be noticed somewhat later, after the trust and security of the emotions have been built.

Scorpio can guess what their partner is feeling and thinking. In this way, they will keep Libra satisfied and happy, appreciating what they need and the problems they may have.

Libra will want harmony and balance in everything they do. People in this sign can see the good in every bad thing and every unpleasant situation.

As a couple, you will work to make what you have together last, no matter how rough and tough times may be.. It’s a good thing that neither of you like to be rushed into making a decision. Scorpio is meticulous and they would never leave things half done. On the other hand, Libra is terrified of doing something wrong.

It doesn’t matter if Libra takes forever to analyze a situation and decide on something, Scorpio will trust that the best solution will be found only this way.

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The relationship between Libra and Scorpio

On a scale of 1 to 10, the Scorpio-Libra couple would get a 5 or a 6 because there are so many differences between these two.. Scorpio is emotional and sometimes rigid, while the signs born in Libra are analytical and logical. It is rare that they meet somewhere in between.

What these two would need most is to accept each other and compromise from time to time. Scorpio must deal with the fact that Libra needs time to weigh all the pros and cons before making a decision.

On the other hand, Libra must understand Scorpio’s need to pressure them when they refuse advice. If Scorpio makes some adjustments and learns to deal with Libra’s analytical mind, and the latter would understand that Scorpio is possessive because that’s how they are, their relationship can work for a long time.

It’s not that Scorpio doesn’t see that Libra has ups and downs in dealing with problems, because they accept all of this. It’s just that they have trust issues and this is one of their biggest vulnerabilities.

If they replace the doubt with the fascination towards the partner, they will be fine. Sometimes, no matter how charming and flexible Libra is, Scorpio will just continue to have a suspicious mind.

Scorpio will be aggressive and will use all kinds of strategies so that Libra dedicates all their time to them.. It’s hard for Scorpios to ever admit they’ve failed, not to mention they’re known for never giving up.

Their romance would evolve if they took on some projects together.. If they did things as a couple, they would have a better chance of being happy. Emotion and intellect would combine, and not only succeed, but grow closer to each other.

Scorpios are known to have more patience and want to be in control. Despite everything that makes these two different, they are both in love with taking risks, so they won’t be bored.

Natural charmers, they will seduce each other and like it. The fact that Scorpio is reserved and intense, and Libra open and direct, will sometimes cause problems in their relationship. That is why they need to find a way to better communicate with each other.

Libra and Scorpio Marriage Compatibility

The relationship between Libra and Scorpio is one in which the head meets the heart, where a talkative sign belonging to the Air element meets an emotional one of Water. The former like to change and include variety in their lives, while the Water signs are more interested in comfort and stability.

One is always looking for the new, the other is nostalgic for the old. Over time, they will begin to appreciate what makes them different. If they don’t, they will feel that nothing unites them. Libra needs to use her diplomacy and try to understand everything that she does to Scorpio.

Libra wants to go out and have an active social life, Scorpio prefers to stay home and take care of things. So throwing parties at his house would probably be the solution.

| Canva: Trung Nguyen

compatibility in bed

Scorpio is known as the most skilled lover in the zodiac. But they need something intense and deep feeling to be happy. This is why they can often wear out their partner.

When it comes to sex, Libra is open-minded and can make Scorpio wonder what she’s hiding.. Libra is generally submissive between the sheets. This is good for Scorpio, who is the dominant one.

From an astrological point of view, these two coincide. Scorpio will want to get married, while Libra will want to have a romance like in the movies.

They are very sexually attracted to each other, but Libra should be less flirty around Scorpio. Also, Scorpio must give up possessiveness. If all of these issues are resolved, these two will have something beautiful and lasting together.

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The drawbacks of this union

The romance between Scorpio and Libra is not without effort and commitment. These two signs have different ways of seeing and doing things. Scorpio is a fixed sign, meaning rigid, while Libra is more flexible. Scorpio won’t be open to Libra’s ideas and opinions, but Libra won’t mind this as long as there is balance and harmony.

The painful cycle in which Scorpios frequently reject what their partner says and thinks will make them fall apart. Not to mention there will be trust issues between them. It is almost impossible to convince Scorpio that he is no longer possessive, jealous and domineering. And Libra wants her freedom. Her friends and her nights out are what make them tick.

They won’t appreciate when Scorpio tries to convince them to stay. And this other thing that can contribute to your breakup.

Last but not least, these two have different ways of dealing with problems. Scorpio can be dramatic and compulsive, too aware of everything that is going on, and also very sensitive on an emotional level.

Libra is cold and rational, he only wants what is fair and will put justice above any other. This is also something that will distance them from each other.

| Canva: rauschenberger

What to remember about Libra and Scorpio

The chemistry between Scorpio and Libra is undeniable. But this couple will encounter difficulties because the partners have many opposing views in life. Libra likes to be sociable and always be surrounded by friends.

It’s not that Scorpios aren’t social either, but they prefer to spend their time at home. Libra attracts a lot of people and they don’t see any harm in a little flirtation. But all this will increase Scorpio’s jealousy and insecurity.

These are very possessive signs if they fall in love. You will never see Scorpio change so that his partners feel more independent and not too dominated. And this will cause them and Libra to quarrel and even break up.

It may be that Scorpio is too possessive for the sociable Libra. While Scorpio is one of the more sensitive signs in the zodiac, Libra is an air sign that doesn’t have too many emotions.

Libra is happy and open and Scorpio is thoughtful, the first runs away from conflicts, and the second is almost like looking for them..

The ways these two deal with life issues and problems are very different. They are unlikely to come to any kind of compromise. Scorpio and Libra may have chemistry, but they are surely too different to do so for long, if the love between them is not strong enough.

Your relationship will be like a wild ride. And they will also encounter many obstacles. It could be related to his social life, because Scorpio wants to spend as much time alone with his partner as possible, while his partner likes to be among friends all day.

The further you go in the relationship, the more Libra will recognize Scorpio’s proverbial jealousy. At first, Libra will feel special because Scorpio cares so much, but this will become a burden over time.

Also, Scorpio will always think of ways to get back at the flirtatious Libra. The feelings between them have to be very strong if they don’t want Libra to realize that Scorpio is not for him and her.

Of all the zodiac signs, Libra is the least likely to understand the fact that Scorpio is so intense..

On the other hand, Scorpio will run out of patience when Libra can’t make a quick decision. Your relationship will not be saved if it begins to deteriorate, because both partners are unable to save anything when they are cheated on.