Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Libra and Aquarius

As romantic partners, Libras and Aquarians are suave and fun to watch because they’re both smart, outgoing, and active.. They flirt a lot with each other. Once you experience how exciting it is to be together as two creative minds, you’ll be happy together for a long time, not to mention discovering each other’s hottest passions.

Degree of compatibility between Libra and Aquarius

emotional connection: Average. Communication: Very strong. Trust and Reliability: Below average. Common values: Average. Intimacy and sex: Very strong.

Their first dates won’t be so electric because they’re both pretty slow to make up their minds, so everything will run its course. Your signs are compatible astrologically, so you will see your relationship become something beautiful.

It is easy for Libra and Aquarius to overcome disagreements because they are very clear about what the other feels.. But sometimes they can be cold, as if they don’t want to get into the relationship seriously. The Aquarius lover has a lot to offer the Libra, but the fact that they are a fixed sign means that the Libra will learn to put ideas into action for them. So it’s a relationship where the Aquarius inspires the Libra. These two have what it takes for a beautiful romance.

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When Libra and Aquarius fall in love…

It seems that the match between the Libra and the Aquarius is made in heaven. Libra loves to have a busy social life, and Aquarians are often among many people from different cultures. While the Libra’s friends may be a little more elegant, their group of acquaintances will blend very well and form a great social circle in which both of them will feel very good.

There are many things Aquarians will admire about their Libra partner. One is that Libra wants peace and harmony more than anything else, and that they are fighting to get all of this wherever they go.

If there’s one important thing to know about Aquarians, it’s that these people hate conflict more than anything else. If things get too hot and they can’t come to a compromise, Aquarians will just walk away.

In case they need to confront someone, they usually retreat and remain hidden until the angry person comes to their senses. It’s annoying for the Aquarius sometimes to see Libra insisting on a topic that is no longer topical because they can’t let it go.

As long as the tensions are not too high, they can understand and love each other in peace. They are good as a couple as long as the Aquarius comes up with ideas and the Libra works to make them come true.

Not to mention that Libra likes to have partners who express themselves freely and this is just what Aquarians need. If there was a need for a compromise in romantic matters, the Libra would give in first.

Both social people, the Aquarius has to be free to roam. And Libra understands all this. Aquarians must have someone to give them space in their life as they need to explore and share their ideas with everyone.

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The relationship between Libra and Aquarius

Conversations between Libra and Aquarius are interesting and fun. They will not fight and if they are likely to, they will immediately forget what happened. It’s beautiful to see how these two get along so well.

Before they know it, the people in their lives will be adding each other on Facebook and getting along like brothers and sisters. It is a good thing that both partners of the Aquarius-Libra couple need friends more than anything.

Their families will also be satisfied with them and the fact that they are together. These two can be babysitters, great uncles, aunts, and supportive kids. If they decide to get married, they will probably ask family and friends to contribute to a travel fund that they will create as a wedding gift. They both love to see new places and explore new cultures.

Once again, the Aquarius and Libra relationship will be fun to watch. They are bright and will be noticed by others no matter where they go. As colleagues or friends, you will help each other without expecting anything in return.

As business partners, not so much. It’s not that they don’t get along or that they aren’t smart and creative enough, but they can have moods and this can influence their work, especially when they have to be at their best and try very hard.

These lovers will teach each other many things. For example, the Libra lover will show the Aquarius how to like the simple things in life, while the Aquarius will help the Libra not to be so indecisive. What they would need more of is a little spontaneity. Aquarians need to try to be balanced and peaceful, like their Libra. In return, the latter should bring as much variety as possible to their lives. These two must keep their intellectual bond as strong as possible.

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What would the marriage between Libra and Aquarius be like?

Neither the Libra nor the Aquarius are good with details or with work at home. It can be said that they are not «domesticated». Also, none of them know how to handle money, so this can also be a problem. If both of them stopped spending the amounts they do, they would be more financially stable.

It’s not that they won’t have problems as a married couple, but they will last a long time as a couple. They both know how to listen and communicate with each other.

The Aquarius will get lost in his own ideas, and both will have long discussions. It’s good that you’re both interested in travel, family, art, religion, and widening your social circle.

Aquarius and Libra may have differences, but their values ​​and ideals are the same. Amusing at first, they can become annoyed with each other if they get too involved in each other’s personal lives. Libra can become too dominant for Aquarius, and Water Bearers can become stubborn.

compatibility in bed

Wanting to experiment in bed, the Aquarius will always come up with new ideas and be open to play. They may surprise Libra at first, but they are the inventors of the zodiac after all.

They are easily bored but the pros greatly outweigh the cons as they are imaginative when it comes to intimate relationships and will make your lovemaking interesting.

Both the Libra and the Aquarius will want to lead in bed, with the Libra being more aggressive. But this won’t bother the Aquarius, who likes spontaneity and loves the class and elegance of the Libra. It’s good for both of you to be open-minded and patient when it comes to getting intimate. The Aquarius will insist on revealing the wicked side of the Libra.

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The drawbacks of this union

When it comes to the drawbacks of the Libra-Aquarius relationship, don’t get too excited because these exist too. They will always come across differences that will make their relationship difficult.

One of them is that the Libra cannot be quick in making decisions. Not to mention that people of this sign often insist that they are the only ones who are right because they have weighed all the pros and cons of a situation.

And they only do it for their ego. Libra can also lose patience. If things are too boring, they can give it up and move on to something else.

It is important that there is a change in their lives. Aquarians are difficult and sometimes wicked. These are things that normally threaten their relationships with others.

Aquarians want a partner who can stand on their own, and Libra may need guidance too often because they are indecisive.

What to remember about Libra and Aquarius

It can be said that the relationship between the idealist and the visionary has great potential. Although they are both very intellectual, there will not be much passion between them, because they are both inclined to use their minds instead of their hearts.

However, love is capable of conquering everything. They will be interested in the same things and will share the desire to make the world a better place. Since they both find wit sexy, they will be very attracted to each other.

Almost everything in this couple starts well. Couples will talk, respect and appreciate each other. They like to discuss everything, so conversations about the esoteric will also be something that will interest them. Many of the other couples in the zodiac need to make compromises to achieve this, but this is not the case with these two. They are a very good couple as they are both understanding, independent and attentive.

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The way each of them sees love is similar and it is possible that their relationship begins with a good friendship. The Libra will be completely fascinated by the fact that the Aquarius is smart. In return, the Water Bearer will like how Libra is realistic and romantic.

Their differences will be handled easily, as the Libra won’t mind that the Aquarius is unpredictable, and the Aquarius won’t mind when the Libra takes forever to make a decision. It will be easy for them to also respect the fact that the other needs space and socialize as much as possible. Intellectually and emotionally, the Libra and the Aquarius are completely in sync. Many will be curious if they ever contradict themselves. They are like yin and yang. Two people who complete each other and have a fluid relationship.

They will agree with what the other does in their daily life. Sociable and open to meeting new people, they will most likely have a large group of friends. The fact that neither of them are very practical means that they will struggle with daily life, but at least they both have the humor to laugh when they face difficulties or their life is in chaos.

Libras are cardinal signs, which means that they will be the ones to take the lead in the relationship. Aquarians are too independent to do this anyway. They will most likely run into trouble when the Aquarius is too stubborn and the Libra can’t find a way to convince them of something. Luckily, Libras are true diplomats and will eventually give in without even realizing it.