Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Gemini and Virgo

The Virgo and Gemini pairing has all the great qualities to push them forward at breakneck speed.. Mainly because they are deeply interested in each other’s thoughts and ideas, and also because they are willing and able to only have a sexual relationship in the initial phases.

Actually, this is one of the ways to find out if Geminis have finally managed to nurture some feelings within them. If they did, they will naturally ask Virgos to go one step further and go beyond the usual bodily exercises.

Degree of compatibility between Gemini and Virgo

emotional connection: Strong. Communication: Average. Trust and reliability: Strong. common values: Below average. intimacy and sex: Average.

Once the Gemini and the Virgo develop feelings for each other, things will improve between them as they have at least one thing in common which will ensure that their interests never get bored with time.

Most likely, they also share a love for the knowledgefor him self development and for discovering new things about the world. This intellectual effort never ends, because they always have something to learn.

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When Gemini and Virgo fall in love…

These guys are the talkers of the zodiac, in the sense that they cannot keep their mouths shut and chatter constantly as if they have nothing to do in the world. They have deep minds and are very intelligent, so they have to unleash all that brain power somewhere, right?

And they have found the right person with whom to share all the spicy details, all the complex, fun, diverse and crazy ideas that nurture inside.

However, Virgos quickly discover that their partner goes beyond all that, overcoming himself with how much information he can blurt out per second, talking about anything, anytime, in a way only they know.

These twin-headed natives have so much knowledge crammed into them, in complete disarray, that they will naturally behave erratically and chaotically.

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What Geminis say, you should probably take it with a grain of salt, because they’ll usually try to manipulate you and get you to do something that is beneficial to their plans.

And it’s not that covert in the first place, it just takes a little attention and an overview of the whole situation to notice.

Well, Virgos are quite firm Y balanced in general, so they will quickly figure out what the twins are up to, using mellifluous words and flowery expressions. But, they let it slide, and this counts for a lot.

Truth be told, it’s a very troubling subject when they realize that their Gemini-Virgo relationship has gone from simple sexual satisfaction to something more, which has to do with those pesky feelings and pesky heartstrings.

However, this could also be one of the reasons why they will make a great combo, the sexual compatibilities and the common grounds. After all, they’re both very perverted and lascivious in private, almost uniquely, judging by the Gemini’s wacky ideas, and Virgo’s elegant approach.

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The relationship between Gemini and Virgo

A relationship between Virgo and Gemini? Who would have thought? Well, their friends and family certainly can’t understand how they can even think of establishing a relationship, given the trouble they cause each other.

It is something that has to do with the jealousythe emotional instability waves occasional discussions that cause one to fall into a pit of despair if not managed properly.

However, these pale in comparison to their similar strengths and traits. That is, they are of the same mold when it comes to hobbies, or rather, the complexity and diversity of what they perceive as an exciting hobby activity.

To make Virgos happy, someone has to make sure they have everything they need, including a house, financial security, a car, appliances—everything one could possibly need for a lifetime.

Offer them this, and they will quickly come to love you, because the stability and perspective of a carefree life, where trouble is unlikely to appear, is the most glamorous and attractive thing for a Virgo native.

After that, of course, they can also enjoy what Geminis bring to the table, which is to say, all the opportunities for fun and joy, all the crazy and insane tricks that make the blood boil.

Besides the fact that they are already very friendly and close with each other, thanks to all the good things they have experienced, all the mutual friends and social events they go to together, they are also incredibly adept at combining their efforts and creating the duo. perfect. Professionally, and when it comes to material success, Gemini-Virgo are like natural partners, each uniquely gifted with a set of skills that perfectly complement the other’s aptitudes.

All of this stems from their deep love and affection, because otherwise they would not have had the time or interest to actively seek out those common traits and potential connections.

One thing is certain, however, whatever they have to go through, all the troubles and festering tragedies, the sparkles of his love will never stop.

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Marriage compatibility between Gemini and Virgo

A marriage that Gemini natives are involved in was never their idea to begin with, that is a fact worth knowing. Because they are so lunatic and seek the freedom Above all, it wouldn’t do them any good to lock themselves into something as dull and tedious as marriage. So, this time, the Virgos will have to literally force their partners to accept a compromise, because they, themselves, have already sacrificed enough to follow in the Twins’ erratic footsteps.

As for establishing a family in the true sense of the word, which means having children, that would be the next logical step, and it wouldn’t be such a bad idea for these two.

Everyone has their role, Gemini is the moody and childish father figure who will fool around and make the kids laugh, while Virgo will take care of almost everything that has to do with taking care of the little ones.

compatibility in bed

Intimate relationships are a pretty standard affair, at least at first, as Virgos are quite restrained and slow to reveal their full potential. But as time goes on, they will loosen up and become even more dynamic than their fellow twins who, upon seeing the newborn nymphomaniac, will laugh maniacally and get down to business like never before.

It is a well-known fact that Geminis are not at all introverted, hesitant, saintly individuals who don’t like or know how to have sex.

It wouldn’t even matter, really, if they knew how to do it. They just do it, right or wrong, but it’s usually pretty satisfying for both of them, at least that’s what everyone says.

Of course, this happens if they haven’t completely forgotten about such uninteresting things as sex, given the time they spend talking.

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The drawbacks of this union

The main problem here lies in the deep contradictions between Virgo and Gemini, more precisely between their temperaments Y personalities. One is very firm minded, realisticpragmatic and likes to do things with a clear head, while the other is messy, chaoticerratic and likes to do things with a muddy head, trapped in the 9th cloud of paradise.

The only way this can get worse is if Geminis are also incredibly childish and lack any kind of responsibilities. Wait… Well, that’s it, now there are really a lot of problems here, and they may have to make some changes if this relationship is worth a chance.

What to remember about Gemini and Virgo

What is essential when discussing these two is the fact that although they are under the auspices of the planet Mercury, the pattern of intellectual endeavors, curiosity, and knowledge, is more or less where their similarities begin and end.

Sure, they can talk, and they can talk a lot about what’s going through those squiggly heads of theirs, but other than that, there’s not much to tell. If you want to build a relationship together, and a strong bond that should last longer than time itself, you have to make a great effortmake lots of compromises, and try to connect the dots between their personalities and character sheets.

Given how far apart the two are, Virgo being the only individual who has major self-confidence issues, while Geminis are incredibly manipulative and conniving anytime, anywhere, it’s really quite a surprise that they haven’t started an all-out war, With guns and everything.

Fortunately, neither of them seem to be going down the jealous path, otherwise this show would have turned into a real pandemonium. Of course, the problems still have to be addressed, and how should they be done? By making some compromises, of course.

The Gemini they could learn to be more tolerant Y comprehensivewhile Virgos need to open up a little more.

One thing worth paying attention to is the fact that the twins are quite terrified and very reluctant to commit to anything that might chain them down and take away their freedom.

Therefore, the pragmatic, down-to-earth Virgo should take it a bit slower and not insist on establishing a family, and nothing like that, until the Gemini has gotten used to the idea.

Sure, some slight allusions are welcome, just to do some testing and see what reaction you get. But being energetic and imposing will clearly lead to disaster, as they will try to get away as quickly as possible from such tiring and troublesome topics.

Nevertheless, Virgo-Geminis are very flexible and adaptableand as such, they will eventually find a middle ground to negotiate these things.

A few compromises here, a few promises there, and Geminis can convince themselves that marriage and family life aren’t such a terrifying prospect. They just have to understand what all this implies, before they commit to the act.

And the meticulous Virgo are there to explain it all, if only they could be more assertive and take the initiative.

As things progress, it will take a long time to make the final decision, but everything should work out in the end.

One of the most important aspects at stake here is their similar ancestry on Mercury. Arguably the only thing that truly saves their relationship and drives it forward, against all odds and when faced with seemingly impossible problems.

Virgo and Gemini will discuss things reasonablyrationally, and they will come up with…