Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Gemini and Sagittarius

You will notice this pair from a distance, because it is impossible not to recognize a Gemini next to a Sagittarius.. They are full of energy and passion and enjoy doing many interesting activities together. These two will never say «no» to a deep conversation, or to a night under the sky full of stars.

Degree of Compatibility between Gemini and Sagittarius

emotional connection: Below average. Communication: Average. Trust and reliability: Below average. common values: Average. intimacy and sex: Strong.

Despite their astrological opposition, Sagittarius and Gemini are a good match, because they live for the purpose of learning. That also means learning about the mystery of relationships, and the magic of having a partner who understands you and knows you better than yourself.

When Gemini and Sagittarius fall in love…

This pair was made from the extremes, which is why people won’t always give them a chance.. But after all, there is a saying that extremes attract each other. The way the Moon is attracted to the Sun, even if they appear at different periods of the day, is considered the attraction between a Gemini and a Sagittarius.

The first sign has an amazing capacity for oratorical art, while the second is a born philosopher. What does that mean? That shows a really important aspect of any relationship, that no matter what zodiac sign they are under, this couple will never get bored of having long and deep conversations, full of emotion and joy, and of course a lot of theoretical knowledge.

They are adventure seekers, and this will surprisingly make them a couple with long-term relationship potential..

Gemini lovers are especially endowed with great sensuality and lasciviousness, which will obviously play out quite well in their sexual endeavours, while deep thought and intellect will translate into a good blend of humor, amusing tales, and wit.

Sagittarius partners, on the other hand, are well above the level of their common partner, as they are also very enthusiastic and brimming with intelligence. They can take on just about anything that comes their way, and also deal with unforeseen circumstances.

Whether they have to forcefully solve the problem, patiently observe and systematically eliminate it, or gather a few friends to easily solve it, these individuals have all the methods at their disposal.. Even when faced with many opportunities, problems, and all kinds of events, they somehow manage to overcome them naturally.

| Pexels: Leonardo Cardozo

The relationship between Gemini and Sagittarius

The zodiac signs of Gemini and Sagittarius love to be independent, and in the same way they love freedom.. That is why they will enjoy contact with people from all over the world, and being extroverts, they want to be in the center of attention.

Having this sense of freedom, they are really open-minded, which means that no matter what problem comes up, small or big, they will find the best solution in time, and they will not let their relationship fall apart.

For Gemini-Sagittarius, love equals understanding and respect, and to get there, they will use communication skills and long hot nights in front of the TV, watching the best movies together.

Although these natives seem to be quite opposite when it comes to their personality and character, it seems that this does not stop them, not in the least..

At the very least, they manage to find out exactly what unites them, what qualities and what similarities exist between them. The willpower and vitality they are capable of could astound even the fiercest of adrenaline seekers.

But, that is basically a given, since they are air and fire signs, which complement each other perfectly from this point of view. Air intensifies the burning flames of the Fire element.

Also, Gemini natives will be the ones to calm down any conflict through patient discussions and explanations, because for them, words are very important, and how you say things counts a lot.

Gemini and Sagittarius Marriage Compatibility

If the Gemini-Sagittarius natives come to the conclusion that life would be better if they went through it together, you can be sure that they have long thought about this, observed and analyzed the pros and cons of such a decision very thoroughly..

Although they generally don’t see it as an obligation, as it’s just a formality, when it comes time to take the oaths, neither is reluctant and unsure of the expectations.

Family life is going to be an adventure, pure and simple, because both Sagittarius and Gemini love to go out into the world and explore the mysteries within.

If there’s one thing to say about their compatibility, it’s that no one could have guessed that such different zodiac signs could end up together.. And what a couple they are…

| Canva: AdinaVoicu

compatibility in bed

When it comes to sexual adventures, Sagittarians are the right person for it. They want to explore, no matter how others feel about it, and they want to get to know their body in the deepest and most exciting ways.

In the opposite corner, Geminis love to make love, and they love to make their partner feel like they are in heaven. They are sensual and hot, and the union with a Sagittarius will make rocks fall from the sky.

They will find absolute pleasure together, and they will try the craziest things in bed without thinking of any danger, but only of what makes them feel really good..

The drawbacks of this union

One of the main problems faced by these natives is their carefree and unbridled behavior.. This means that they can easily decide that they want to take some time for themselves, and even break up for a while.

It could be a way of continuing to develop and using the best available opportunities to improve, only to meet at a later date.

Unfortunately, this tends to be a dream, because while Sagittarians are indeed focused on the path of self-development, and pursue it with great determination, Geminis do not have such a straight forward mindset, in which they could easily get lost. on their way.

This is obviously something that is far from perfect, from the Archer’s point of view.

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What to remember about Gemini and Sagittarius

These two have different temperaments and perspectives on life, Geminis are more introverted and inclined to meditation and inner introspection, while Sagittarians prefer a more practical adventure, wandering the world unhindered.

From this point of view, Sagittarius-Gemini couples seek a way out of the mundane, only the methods differ. They could very well come to an understanding on the details, but it would be a real shame if they fail to see the great potential they have together. And they will, because of the deep power of understanding and carefree attitude present in both of them.

The fire signs and the air signs seem to be made for each other, and they are in a relationship of interdependence, because one needs the other, at least more than the other needs them.

As such, the dynamic and impulsive behavior of Sagittarius is fueled by the intellectual and visionary perspectives of Geminis, the innovation and creativity that the latter are able to be of great help in focusing the energies of the former.

Passion and inventiveness, open-mindedness, these are all aspects that they bring to the table, and the result can only be imagined, and that is pure and total happiness..

Although united by the belief that everything is mutable and change is inevitable, Geminis and Sagittarians can sometimes run into trouble due to their very different personalities and temperaments.

After all, astrologically speaking, they are quite opposites, and that means something, even if they manage to overcome this obstacle through willpower and great efforts. Therefore, when they fall into an argument, neither will give up until victory is on their side, no matter who has the pertinent idea.

Another thing that plays a good joke on them lies in the fact that neither Gemini nor Sagittarius are realistic and pragmatic enough, which creates a gap in their safe spaces.

They can endure and fight their way out of some critical situations, but these will also dull their love, if not taken care of properly.

It is worth remembering that they are both free thinkers and adventurers who do not take kindly to anything that inhibits their free will and independence. They long to be able to do what they want, when they want, and that’s not even a condition. That is the foundation they will build on, no questions asked.

But if, for example, they are in a bind, financially speaking, it is obviously going to impact their ability to be independent and free, because a lack of money translates into a lack of opportunities, of any kind.

Because they are so open-minded and understanding of your motivations, they are not likely to get angry or upset if one of them flirts with someone else.

Even if they end up cheating on each other, the problem is not always treated badly enough to lead to a breakup.. Talking will, more often than not, bring them to an agreement. Paradoxically, by having this mindset, these two will become even more loyal and dedicated to each other, because they will no longer see the thrill of cheating on each other, if the partner already knows about it.