Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Cancer and Sagittarius

The relationship between Cancer and Sagittarius can be brilliant, but not always in a good way. One likes to be close to home, while the other wants to roam. If both of you put efforts into your relationship, you can have something long term and maybe forever.

Degree of compatibility between Cancer and Sagittarius

emotional connection: Strong. Communication: Average. Trust and reliability: Average. common values: Strong. intimacy and sex: Average.

The young Sagittarius will seem like a player, someone who spreads romance wherever he goes, and this can alarm the Crab who always wants to be sure. Sagittarius will think that Cancer’s lover is someone too needy and clingy.

This guy or girl is too free to want to be held in the strong claws of the Crab. All the Cancer wants is a monogamous relationship and emotional commitment, the Moon child goes crazy when someone does not take the relationship with him or her seriously.

Sagittarius is always on the go and is the independent lover of the zodiac.. A good friend, but not as emotionally involved, Sagittarius will only make the Crab feel more insecure.

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When Cancer and Sagittarius fall in love…

What will unite Cancer and Sagittarius will be their sense of humor. They both like to make jokes about themselves. Passionate about good food, they will make amazing dinners if they live together. They may have different groups of friends, but their parties will all be successful.

Despite all their differences, they may also have some things that they will get from each other. For example, Cancer will be impressed by the different worlds that Sagittarius will present.. They will see something they are not used to seeing.

Sagittarians will want to face new challenges and go places all the time. At first, Cancer will be reluctant to all this, but in the end he will give in. Both optimists, these two hate it when they think negative thoughts.

They are known as ambitiousand they will have success in everything you try together. Optimism and big dreams are something that will sum up your life together.

Despite the bad reputation that Sagittarians have, Cancers can be sure that they are next to someone loyal and sincere.. A Sagittarius would not even dare to put their relationship at risk. People of this sign hate lies and do not like to betray. This is something Cancer will greatly appreciate in his Sagittarius partner.

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The relationship between Cancer and Sagittarius

On a scale of 1 to 10, the Cancer and Sagittarius relationship scores a 5 or 6 in terms of marriage compatibility.. They are discordant astral elements, after all. Sagittarius is open-minded and wants to make changes, while Cancer likes to keep things the way they are.

They have different views on the world around them. If you compromise and make adjustments in your relationship, you have a chance to be happy together.

Sagittarius needs to have patience and encourage Cancer to accept gradual change. Cancer has to be more open and say what you expect, and you won’t fight very often.

Sagittarians are social and open, they like to observe and come up with new ideas all the time. They will have friends from all over the world and from many different cultures. These guys are rarely alone.

It is difficult for a Sagittarius to be careful with words, as people of this sign do not really know diplomacy and consider it a form of hypocrisy. Cheerful and pragmatic, Sagittarians are intellectuals and like to study.

They prefer to talk about philosophy and avoid problems as much as possible. You can never predict what a Sagittarius will say or do. Honestly, they will never sugarcoat someone with words, no matter how many feelings they may have towards them.

Because Cancer is also honest and sensitive, these two understand very well what the other is feeling. Cancer will realize in time that Sagittarius really knows how to make money and how to get rich quick..

Cancer needs encouragement and appreciation when they’re in a bad mood or in a dark period of their life. Curious about the Crab, Sagittarius will always be intrigued by the people of this sign, and this will be what makes them stronger as a couple.

Cancer may not always laugh from the first time when Sagittarius makes jokes, but surely both of them will laugh a little later. Cancer will try in vain to appeal to the sensitive side of Sagittarius.

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Cancer and Sagittarius marriage compatibility

Normally, Cancer and Sagittarius have different dreams and purposes. Sagittarius will always be looking for something new and won’t stop wandering. Cancer needs to have the love of the partner at his feet and that is why Sagittarius may not be the best person to provide this.

One lives for today, the other for the future. Sagittarius will be bored and annoyed by Cancer’s jealousy and possessiveness.

Although they are different in many plans, both are the same because they appreciate knowledge in the same. Cancer will find Sagittarius’ honesty and impulsiveness interesting, whether they understand what’s behind it or not.

Family oriented, Cancer won’t understand why Sagittarius needs to be everywhere and be so adventurous. This relationship can be a success if the Crab marries a second or third time.. Sagittarians are great as stepparents.

Sagittarius will appreciate the fact that Cancer is devoted to the things and people they love. These two are unlikely to fall in love with each other. Opposite signs – one is the firethe other is the Waterthey do not inspire passion in the other, and they do not love each other the same.

They have different rhythms. Sagittarius falls in love immediately and puts a lot of passion while they need someone to impress them, and be unpredictable for the relationship to last.

Cancer will not be able to cope as well changes and the turnssudden. These people rely too much on feelings and want to have a lasting relationship with someone who offers them stability. If Sagittarius and Cancer fall in love, Sagittarius will be the first to feel it. He or she will be there from time to time, making Cancer realize that security is not attainable with this person.

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sexual compatibility

The main thing that will make a Sagittarius and a Cancer attract each other is humor.. Sagittarius will never be flattered to take someone to bed with him, but he likes adventures and having sex for one night and then leaving.

He is responsive, warm and sexual in bed, Cancer likes variety and good energy in the sack. Sagittarius will want to explore and Cancer will want to experiment.. But the latter needs to feel safe with a partner before it all starts.

The most erogenous zone for Sagittarius are the thighs, while for Cancer, the chest. If they want to be more sensual, they can light candles and play music. Making love will reveal to both of you how different you are.

Sagittarius sees lovemaking more like a sport, while Cancer needs feelings and emotions. They’re in two different realms when it comes to sex, but they’re not necessarily pleasurable with each other..

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The drawbacks of this union

Cancer and Sagittarius have different emotional lives, one wants security and the other freedom. The Crab wants to stay where he is, while the Sagittarius needs to always be on the run.

When they are together, there will definitely be some friction between these two, especially since one is so tame and the other can never be tamed.

However, if other elements of your astrological chart align, you may have something interesting together. There are a few things that they would need to address, or else their relationship is over. For example, the way they are handling situations.

Sagittarius is impulsive and Cancer is changeable. Both are energeticthey can become too restless when they have to solve problems that they may have between them.

Sagittarius will prefer to forget about it, while the Crab will bother him to solve the problem. They also do not understand the way the other socializes.

Sagittarius is out with everyone, and Cancer wants to stay home and just have fun with family and friends. It’s hard for Cancer to understand how Sagittarius can spend time and effort socializing, and Sagittarius won’t see how Cancer manages to be so closed off and lonely at times.

What to remember about Cancer and Sagittarius

It can be difficult to find a Cancer and a Sagittarius that are compatible with each other, but here we are, it happens.. It is in their nature to be completely different and have opposite goals in life.

The housewife, who is Cancer, has little chance of liking the adventurer, who is Sagittarius. They will constantly fight to take risks or keep things safe, and neither of them will want to compromise.

Cancer will want to build a home and spend most of their time there, Sagittarius will want to go explore the world, to undertake each new adventure. But don’t think that if they are so strange they can’t have a fruitful relationship.

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Although completely different, these two complement each other better than other Zodiac couples. Cancer will be interested in the energy that Sagittarius spreads, and he will want to travel the world and go together with his partner in each new adventure. Also, the Crab will be fascinated by the stories and knowledge that the Archer will have to share.

The enthusiasm that Sagittarius and Cancer share will help them overcome any negative moods. You will find peace and serenity in each other’s arms at the end of the day.

Sagittarius is bold and adventurous, and Cancer wants someone secure and stable, two things Sagittarius may never be. Adventures and one night stands are more to the liking of the Sagittarius. They live for the present moment, while the Crabs want to know about the future, they want a family, a home and to save some money.

It is more likely that the Archer will get bored of the relationship with the Crab very soon, and the Crab will return to its shell to forget everything. Only if one of them was willing to change everything about him or her would things work out.

But this would mean for that person to never be themselves, to make too great a commitment just to have that specific person around. But love can overcome all sorts of problems, so the Sagittarius Cancer relationship isn’t so impossible after all. Sagittarius doesn’t want to hurt anyone, and Cancer is too loving and caring to want to make Sagittarius feel down.

If they are patient and tolerate what makes them so different, these two can make their relationship work and last.

Also, if Cancer stops being so needy and clingy and lets Sagittarius be free, they will be together for a long time..