Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Aquarius and Pisces

Aquarius-Pisces is a rather autonomous and peculiar relationship, because although you may have great potential for the future, it can also be difficult for them to really become a solid couple with each other. This is because they both have a flair for the artistic, their minds race at different speeds and on a totally different axis than most people.

Degree of compatibility between Aquarius and Pisces

emotional connection: Very strong. Communication: Below average. Trust and Reliability: Doubtful. Common values: Very strong. Intimacy and sex: Average.

The focus, on the Aquarius Pisces compatibility, is set in the distant future, in the perspectives of humanity as a whole, or of the species. Humanitarianism and even philanthropy run deep in their blood, and these activities will eventually bring them together. The crux of the matter here is whether they will realize that they can focus on things other than the greater good.

When Aquarius and Pisces fall in love…

When wild and adventurous Aquarian lovers meet shy and introverted Pisceans, there’s a good chance they’ll really fall in love.

But, the truth is that it happens quite frequently, mainly because they both feel the different feeling that the world does not understand them, and find a close and observant partner in the other.

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There will be problems of course, as the fish will be entangled in romance, and their emotions will overflow from time to time. A cold and aloof attitude would be the last thing they want to see, and this is a recipe for disappointment.

This matter should preferably be addressed only by Aquarians, as they are more level-headed and balanced than their overly emotional peers, who would surely make everything annoying and disturbing for Pisces.

However, despite all the little problems that pop up from time to time, the two are tremendously and completely attracted to each other.

Because Pisces tend to be more shy and even a bit reticent, they often get into situations that can get them into a lot of trouble, where some people can take advantage of their dreamy and carefree attitude.

However, let them do their thing, act as you see fit, and never put them on a leash, and you will witness the birth of the cutest, most beautiful and sparkling sunrise of all time, their smile. The enthusiasm and happiness that they exude when things go as they should is amazing and acts as a source of endless energy and delight for their partners.

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How is the relationship between Aquarius and Pisces?

Any relationship has its ups and downs, that should no longer be a surprise. Pisces and Aquarius natives certainly have their issues that they have to deal with at the end of the day, if their goal is to keep digging deeper and deeper.

The social agenda usually causes quite a few problems. Pisces will probably never stray from their group of friends, and meeting new people can be more difficult, even challenging from some point of view.

Aquarians are the opposite, as they could easily get bored talking to the same people over and over again. Diversity is a way of life in itself, and this is exactly what they choose.

On the one hand, these aquatic natives will have to wait a long time before they decide to go one step further and dedicate themselves fully to a relationship. This is due to their unpredictability and the difficulty of being impressed.

On the other hand, Pisces natives have to notice that their partners are emotionally fit and deep enough to truly love until the end of time.

The thing is, no one believes that Aquarians have that ability within them. Your intellect is all that everyone sees. And this is not fair, because they have a lot of emotional potential within them, you just have to teach them how to release it. Pisces are perfect for that role.

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Aquarius and Pisces marriage compatibility

The common point of these natives is imagination, innovation, creative impulse, and they will easily create a structured bond on these elements, even on emotional understanding, if the Pisceans try hard enough to offer lessons to their partners.

While Aquarians tend to hide their feelings out of fear or caution, Pisces are the exact opposite. With people they can trust, they show themselves unreservedly, and this could be both a good and a bad thing.

Everyone can be affectionate and romantic, but Pisces take the cake here, because there is no one like them when it comes to pure and unadulterated affection, compassion and a very cute character. They are perfectly suited to each other from more than one point of view, including marriage, and this is evident.

compatibility in bed

What they look for exclusively in a sexual bond is the ingenuity, the new, the innovative and the imaginative. They need to experience the things that someone else has now done, and they want to enjoy every moment of it.

Pisces are exceptionally in love with… well, with making love, and they will offer moments of extreme happiness to their partners, as they will not want to stop when these wicked fish begin their work.

Contrary to some zodiacal claims that these natives are not fit for a true and eternal relationship, it seems that they do not care at all. At least her life in bed is full of life and vitality. It has never been a problem, and most likely never will be.

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The drawbacks of this couple

First of all, there is an ironic paradox here that seems to constantly hang over the heads of these natives. The usual dreamy and carefree Pisceans who are always projecting themselves into the future, will suddenly become hard and cold realists, with perfectly aligned plans for the next couple of opportunities that may arise.

At the same time, normally stable and steadfast Aquarians will spontaneously and out of nowhere become aloof and dreamy individuals who can’t see the trees through the forest, and can’t even focus on reality.

Another thing is when Pisces feel enough is enough. When the steam finally boils, it will do so in a grand and terrifying way, so much so that it’s best to abandon ship for a while, and come back when the waters have calmed down.

Who knows, maybe a storm could have occurred if you had stayed there much longer. Aquarians, on the other hand, will not only explode and start to discourage people by insulting and criticizing them, but they will also try to argue their positions and exemplify them perfectly.

What to remember about Aquarius and Pisces

The association between an Aquarius and a Pisces makes a wonderful observation of the way it progressesBecause, given their proclivities towards world peace and idealisms, it would be a real surprise for them not to become activists in some humanitarian movement.

Water bearers are especially generous and philanthropic, while their partners care more about the welfare of others than their own, which is exactly why they will find themselves at such a crossroads.

However, they are on a totally different level when it comes to emotional depth, because Aquarians are more distant and rational than sentimental and affectionate.

Very intelligent and curious people, these two will charm and intrigue each other with the way they are able to take on a given subject, twist it on all sides, inspect and extract the essence, and seamlessly put it into perspective.

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This is one of the reasons why They will form a quite efficient and inseparable pairbecause they are attracted to each other on a more than physical level.

At first, everyone will try to act at their own pace, Aquarians will do so more slowly and more firmly than their emotionally anxious peers.

There must be a fair exchange of indications and experiences here, otherwise one might overwhelm the other with their strong personality. Therefore, while Aquarians are a more rational and grounded individual, Pisceans tend to be less logical and more emotional, and both have to be very careful not to overdo it and upset the partner.

However, there is always a middle way, and this is exactly what the two have to find. Ways in which they can complement each other without problems, without going too far so as not to hurt each other in the process.

The most obvious difference between these two natives is that one leans more towards a more pragmatic and analytical mindset, carefully putting everything under observation before coming to a conclusion, while the other is the ultimate lover, caring, compassionate and sentimental in everything. moment.

One is driven by reason and cerebral wavelengths from your brain, while the other allows your heart to reign supreme over the big picture. It becomes clear that somehow they will have to learn to accept each other if they want to have a chance of being happy.

So, it’s really when Pisces get tired of all the waiting and get down to business, that things finally go down the road of romance. They are capable of immense love and tenderness, and will want nothing more than to see their partner happy and satisfied.

Nothing will be too costly if this goal is to be achieved, and they will sacrifice much of their time to help grow the bond between them. If Aquarians can’t see this, then they have to be one of the most ignorant people out there.