Comfort zone: What is it and how to get out of it? – Online Psychologists

We have all heard the term “comfort zone”. A concept that is always accompanied by expressions such as: “I find it hard to get out of my comfort zone” or, “I don’t feel good, because I’m not in my comfort zone”, among others. This concept refers to a psychological state in which a person feels comfortable and safe.

A place where you feel protected. That is, in the comfort zone, the person does not experience feelings of anxiety either fear. Don't take risks. However, not leaving your comfort zone means not growing personally.

The attitude of positioning ourselves in an area where we feel safe leads to a behavioral pattern which is established in us to maintain a neutral level of anxiety. This allows us to have a constant performance.

The person who is in his comfort zone carries a series of behaviors, beliefs either limited relationships. That is, actions that allow her to lead a stable life in the different contexts of her life without leaving the circle that she herself has established. She carries out activities that do not pose any type of risk. In this way, she prevents them from generating anxiety, uncertainty or fear.

According to studies, that feeling of security that you feel in your comfort zone can mean risks. It can become harmful. It represents a loss of motivation and new challenges. The person falls into a monotonous routine in which one does not experience more emotions than those allowed by this routine. In addition, it generates apathy, reluctance and even physical and mental exhaustion.

The comfort zone, which we consider a comfortable place, becomes an area that is limiting us. A place that can bring us adverse consequences if we do not know how to control our stay there.

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Where does the concept of “comfort zone” come from?

It is a term that we have more than present in our days. In fact, it is widely used in the fields of personal developmentthe already mentioned psychology and the coachingBut the comfort zone is not something new, far from it.

The origin of the concept dates back to early 20th century. Specifically to a Classic experiment in psychology that they carried out Robert M. Yekes and John D. DodsonIn the study they found that a state of comfort or convenience gave rise to a level of consistent performance.

The researchers noted that something more was needed to improve such performance. anxiety and the stress were the missing factors for a maximum performance development. They called that space “optimal anxiety”. A place that they placed outside the boundaries that limited the “comfort zone”.

Apart from this reflection on the origin of the term, there are others. We find that of the consulting firm Judith M-Badwick. This defines it as a behavior in which the person moves based on a neutral position of anxiety.

Also the management expert Alasdair AK White He wanted to contribute a reflection. For him, a “optimal comfort zone» is that which can be improved by adding a certain dose of stress.

White added that anxiety improves performance right up until the point at which an optimal level of arousal has been reached. It should be noted that this means that if high levels of anxiety are reached, the person can enter a state of danger zone. That's where performance starts to decline.

Most of the theories that exist about the concept of comfort zone have something in common. They agree in representing this term within a scheme in the form of concentric circles.

The middle or inner circle is the comfort zone. The next one to this would be the area of ​​risk. Then there would be a third circle called growth zone. In this place, risks are taken, but personal growth is achieved. Finally, a fourth circle can be added. This is considered to be an area of ​​negative stress or danger zone.

How do we know if our life is centered in the comfort zone?

There are a number of attitudes either behaviors that warn us that our life may be based solely on our comfort zone. Some of the signs through which we can realize this are:

  • DemotivationThis prevents us from growing both emotionally and productively. Not leaving our comfort zone causes us to stagnate and not be able to move forward.
  • Have the same routine. We live in the same routine all the time. We stay there to avoid taking risks in any area other than the one we are already used to.
  • Isolate. Not leaving our comfort zone makes us isolate ourselves from society. We do not dare to initiate contact with other people who are outside the boundaries that limit us.
  • Sadness and loneliness. When we are not socially connected to other people, we are overcome by a feeling of sadness and loneliness. In more serious cases, this can lead to depression.

Why should we leave our comfort zone?

  • It will make you grow as a person.

It's normal that leaving your comfort zone gives you fear. You have to face that fear of facing new things. Once you do, you'll realize that it wasn't that big of a deal. In fact, feeling anxiety It is something natural and even warns us that things are not going to be “a piece of cake.”

If fear you block or you immobilizes It will start to be a problem. It will not let you develop your skills to the fullest. To prevent this from happening, you have to recognize that uncertainty is there and that you are scared of not knowing what lies beyond your routine. You have to acquire a positive attitude towards all of this. It is okay if you fail, remember that We learn from mistakes and that everything is part of growing as a person.

Once you leave your comfort zone you will realize that you have learned and, when you look back in time you will feel proud of all that you have been able to achieve on your own.

Getting out of your comfort zone encourages creativity. This is because you know new possibilities that allow you to break your routine.

You discover new experiences that open your mind. You begin to take risks and you learn to fall and get up because you know that this will make you stronger.

  • You will gain self-confidence.

Getting out of your comfort zone and seeing that by taking risks to do new things you achieve your goals will make you achieve your goals. you feel good about yourselfYou will see that you are capable of getting what you want and that you have more strength and courage than you thought you had. You will begin to trust you. This will make you see that you have mastered certain skills, which will allow you to overcome situations that seemed complicated a priori.

This positive perception of yourself will reduce your anxiety, stress and negative thoughts.

  • You will meet new people.

Getting out of your comfort zone will allow you to go out and meet new people. People with whom you will enjoy new experiences. You will do activities that were not part of your routine and that will allow you enjoy life.

How to get out of your comfort zone?

Of course, it is very easy to tell someone to get out of their bubble. However, it is a process that takes time. Ask for help a friend, family member or, if you have been in your comfort zone for a long time, a therapist will make the task easier for you.

First of all, you have to stand up to it to everything that scares you. Don't let your fears paralyze you. Think that there is no person in the world who is not afraid of anything. It's normal to feel uncertainty to know what will happen if we leave the everyday. But what is the point of life if we do not take risks and fight to achieve our goals and objectives.

When we finally manage to leave our comfort zone, we begin to become aware of everything that limits us. Of the fears that paralyzed us, the barriers we put on ourselves and the negative thoughts that did not let us move forward. For this to happen, we need to Let us dare to be wrongOnly in this way will we learn from our mistakes and grow as people.

Knowing that anxiety and stress are going to be there every time we are going to face something new. It is normal, in the end they are two defense mechanisms” that warn us of possible dangers. Dangers that once we overcome we will realize that they were not so bad.

Life is a continuum roller coaster and we are riding on it. That is why we must adapt to changesIf we recognize both our fears and our strengths we can lead a full life and enjoy experiences.

If you feel you are not ready to leave your comfort zone alone, go to a mental health professional. Psychia We have a network of online psychologistsThey will help you overcome those barriers that do not allow you to grow. They will open a new path for you with the help of tools and mechanisms so that you alone are able to face your fears.