Colombian celebrities more fitness of 2016

They are the Colombians who, in addition to being famous artists, use their networks to spread their fitness messages

This year more than one celebrity decided jump on the fitness bandwagon and become a role model on social media. Some of them have been doing it for several years now, but others established themselves in this field of healthy living just a few months ago.

Margaret Rose of Francis

Although she herself writes on her Instagram that she is not an expert in fitness or nutrition, the influence that the presenter of the Superhuman Challenge has in his followers, with whom he shares exercise routines, recipes and various tips…

Caroline Cruz

Nobody knew it, but this famous Colombian presenter was preparing her abdomen for her current pregnancy…

Elizabeth Christina Estrada

He published a book about his passion: running…

Valentina Lizcano

This actress and presenter showed that a mother can continue training…

Stephanie Borge

The famous actress and model shared with her fans several of her routines with which she has managed to mark her chocolate…

Mary Mendez

The presenter of The net taught us all how to sweat all our excesses in food…

Marcela Mar

the actress of House for jail He made us laugh with his extra-fast routine…

Daniela Ospina

James Rodríguez’s wife was not far behind either…

Amparo Grisales

He reached the sixth floor better than many of 20…

also vibrates with: Celebrities who go without a bra, and they don’t give a damn!

What do you think of the fitness trend of famous Colombian women like these? Do you think it’s okay or are they overdoing it? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your networks!