Colibrí, Messenger of Luck according to Mayan mythology

According to the Mayan legend, hummingbirds carry messages of loved ones on their visits.Frank Cone / Pexels

What does the visit of a hummingbird mean?

The presence of a hummingbird is considered as an omen of good luck, since it is believed that these birds They bring positive energies For those who visit, helping them to heal and to release the bad vibes that could affect them.

Although depending on culture its meaning may vary, these are considered as a symbol of joy, healing and adaptability. Your presence remembers The importance of dreams and being attentive to messages of our loved ones, either in life or in «the hereafter.»

The hummingbird in other Mesoamerican cultures

Not only Mayan culture has beliefs around the hummingbird. In Aztec culture, for example, This bird represents Huitzilopochtlithe deity of the sun and the war. Therefore, It was common for its inhabitants to carry talismans in the form of hummingbirds To get more energy and strength. In addition, this culture believed that dead warriors reincarnated in the form of this bird.

On the other hand, in the Mexican culture the hummingbird plays an essential role in Mictlán, that is, the underworld. According to this belief, hummingbirds can carry good thoughts, desires and blessings of relatives who have already died, who at night leave their souls in Mictlán and reincarnate in the body of these little birds to visit their loved ones on earth.

Thanks to their lightness, it is that hummingbirds are the perfect messengers according to the creation of some Mesoamerican cultures.Jorgea Cre / Pexels

More about hummingbirds

Also known as quindes, tucusitos, picaflores, sucks or huichichiquis, the hummingbirds are birds Native to the American continentwith more than 340 different species. With a life expectancy between 12 and 18, these small birds consume their own weight in nectar per day. In addition, its main characteristics are The heartbeat, which goes from 500 to 700 times per minute, and its constant flutter, since it performs 200 wing beaters per second, which allows them to be suspended in the air.