There are three different types of skin: dry, oily and combination. The first is matte and stretches quite easily; the second is very bright and, unlike the previous one, has greater elasticity. The third, shine and fat is perceived only in the «T zone» of the face. That is, on the forehead, nose and chin, while the rest of the face is dry. Three types of skin but with a natural option for its beautification: clay.
The largest organ of our body, the skin, does not always maintain the same characteristics 365 days a year. The inclement sun without adequate sunscreen, low temperatures, air conditioning or heating, stress or hormonal changes that occur every 28 days influence the health and freshness of the skin.
Given the dissimilar stages through which the skin passes, it is necessary to adapt according to the different states to which it is subjected. So not only climatic changes can wreak havoc on our skin, but also hormonal ones.
There are four types of clay that you can find in health food stores: white, gray, red, and green. Each and every one has different properties and benefits with which your skin will feel healthier. The ore derived from aluminum It is refreshing, healing, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, relaxing and purifying that charges our body with energy..
There are many ways on the market to keep your complexion and skin healthy. Chemical products that are sometimes abrasive, can generate sensitivity or unfavorable reactions in the epidermis. In the case of Clay is a natural product that can be used all over the body without presenting any risk.
In general, those with dry skin will rarely experience acne problems because their sebaceous glands do not produce enough oil. This could be an advantage, but it is not at all favorable as it does not have an adequate protective layer against the wind and cold. This distinctive feature requires the use the white clay with the highest concentration of aluminum for the treatment of sensitive and dehydrated skin.
In the second type of skin, the sebaceous glands produce a lot of oil, sometimes too much. In this particular case, it can be seen by the dilation of the pores and blackheads. However, this type of skin delays aging due to the late presence of deep wrinkles. For this type of dermis, red clay is recommended for people who have acne, since one of its qualities is to dry pimples and tone our skin.
In relation to gray and green clay, both have similar characteristics to the two presented above, but with unique characteristics. The gray is the perfect clay for those skins that need to exfoliate spots caused by pimples..
For its part, the green one, is used to eliminate blackheads, since it has the property of drying them and preventing them from appearing more. Whatever your skin type, you can experience a soothing and healing sensation when using this mineral enricher.