Claw bed inflammation in dogs: home remedies and therapy

Is one of the Dog’s paws reddened and seems to him to hurtit may be one claw bed inflammation.

This can initially treated with home remedies be, but may even need the Expertise of the veterinarian.

Find out here how you can recognize and treat nail bed inflammation in dogs.

Claw bed inflammation in dogs – causes and symptoms

The most common cause of a Inflammation of the claw beds is lack Care of the paws and the nails.

Will the fur on the paw not regularly trimmed and cleanedit can matting and thereby also to one nail bed inflammation contribute.

In summer, when the dog sweats more, the coat becomes matted all the faster.

The first signs of a nail bed infection can be that the dog stepping on his paw only cautiously or squirms when the paw touched becomes.

When looking at the paw, it is noticeable that the Nail bed reddened and the Base of claws swollen or covered with crusts is.

A yellowish film and unpleasant odor also indicate an infection.

Therapy: How can I help my dog ​​with claw bed inflammation?

To the Combating nail bed inflammation there are some natural waysbut also Ointments and means from the pharmacy.

A foot infection should not be taken lightly as it is painful for the dog and harmful to his body.

Treatment should begin as soon as the infection is noticed became. This can initially also from home happen.


Betaisodonaa germicide from natural medicine, is ideal for natural combat of nail bed inflammation.

Also one train ointment can applied thickly be to possible dirt or foreign bodies to pull out of the wound.

Both funds should then covered with a paw bandage so that the four-legged friend does not lick them or nibble on their paws.

If this is not sufficient, a dog collar at. This one can bought at the pharmacy or homemade become.

home remedies

To the to clean wound, suitable curd soap preferably. Soak the paw for about ten minutes in lukewarm water and pure curd soap. Rinse it with clear water off again.

The same can also with lukewarm chamomile tea to be executed. Chamomile works anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving.

Make sure you use a big enough bowl for this!

over-the-counter medicines

The dog seems strong pain to have, can over-the-counter medicines How dreameel or similar are used.

CBD oil can also help with pain relief and is available at many dog ​​pharmacies and online pharmacies.

To the healing of the inflammation to support, can over-the-counter ointments such as Zugsalbe and immune-boosting agents be used. Pharmacists can at the Choosing the right product to be helpful.

When to the vet?

Is the inflammation already very advanced and the Paw is very red and swollen, smells bad and has one heavy dischargeshould be on to be on the safe side vet visited become.

Even if the dog strong pain has or the home treatment not allowedwe recommend a visit to a professional.

They can prescribe antibiotics and, if necessary, stronger painkillers.

Experiences of dog owners with claw bed inflammation

Already many dog ​​owners had to treat a claw bed infection in their beloved furry friend.

Especially when it comes to home remedies, there are many different experiences.

The quadruped of a user from a dog forum got a claw bed infection after he himself broken claws had. The vet advised them against antibiotics and recommended instead, daily a wrap with cottage cheese for an hour around the paw of the dog to lay.

Already after a few days According to the owner, the inflammation had disappeared.

Several other owners use Rivanol ointmentwhich was often prescribed by the veterinarian.

Rivanol tablets dissolved in water, in which the paw was then bathed, also helped many dogs after three to five days.

A Disadvantage here is that the paw thereby yellowish discolored and the coloring is only slowly receding.

A user was advised by the vet to to avoid saltas this tends to dry out the wound.

To the with ointment or medication smeared to wrap pawuse a member of a blog an old t-shirtwhich he sewn up below. This was for his dog more comfortable than bandages and also easier to create.

To prevent more dirt from getting into the wound during walks, many dog ​​owners recommend an elastic bandage such as Elastomull.


claw bed inflammation by adequate care of the fur and paws of the dog easily avoided become.

However, should it ever come to that, that’s enough domestic and natural remedies often out to the fight infection.

However, does the dog seem or will be in severe pain no improvement after a few days visible, should rather visited the vet become, because claw bed inflammations are a serious matter and should be sufficient and treated as soon as possible become.

Has your dog ever had nail bed inflammation? How did you fight these? Feel free to share your tips with other dog owners in the comments!