In winter, the low temperatures and the reduced food supply also make it difficult for pigeons. Often they are foraging all day long and have to feed on discarded unhealthy leftovers. Many animals are therefore weakened.
Please do not scare away pigeons unnecessarily
The animal protection foundation warns against scaring pigeons for “fun”, especially in winter. As a result, the animals lose vital energy reserves that they need especially in the cold season. Don’t let your children scare pigeons either – and ask other people to leave the animals alone if you see someone chasing away pigeons for no reason.
City pigeons have a bad image. They are called «the rats of the air» and are said to have diseases. It is time to do away with this prejudice. In fact, pigeons have no more communicable diseases than other animals.
How you can help pigeons
recommends setting up special pigeon houses in cities. There the birds are provided with species-appropriate feed, because pigeons are grain eaters. They don’t get bread. Sick animals can be found in a pigeon house and treated by veterinarians. Animal-friendly birth control is also possible: eggs are replaced with plaster eggs. This method achieves a rapid reduction in the pigeon population.
Injured or sick animals found should be handed in or reported to a wildlife station as soon as possible. In addition, clubs have already been founded in many cities that work to protect city pigeons and take in sick and injured animals.
supports the wildlife sanctuary in Hamburg with 100,000 euros annually. Every year, more than 1,500 native wild animals in need are handed in, raised, given medical care and released back into the wild.