Circus Krone makes a guest appearance in Bayreuth

In addition to the poor keeping conditions, wild animal circuses also pose an enormous safety risk. At Krone, not only do circus employees put themselves in danger through their daily work, but visitors also come dangerously close to the large wild animals at the performances and the animal show. The list of accidents involving elephants is long.

The federal government has so far ignored two resolutions of the Bundesrat from 2003 and 2011. In March 2016, the Federal Council called on her to finally act for the third time. In circuses, wild animals suffer from an extreme lack of exercise, constant changes of location and long transport times. In 19 European countries, there has long been a, at least limited, ban on wild animals in circuses.

With an online protest, lobbying and attention-grabbing campaigns, is mobilizing the public and politicians for a legal ban on wild animals. The animal rights activists recently handed over almost 100,000 collected signatures to the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Celebrities, such as the GZSZ stars Anne Menden and Nina Bott, actor Andreas Hoppe (also known from the ARD Tatort), world boxing champion Regina Halmich, presenter Daniel Aminati and the animal figures by children’s book author Janosch support the demand. The ministry has yet to make a decision.

At the same time, the internationally active foundation also takes care of the fate of individuals: rescued circus bears find a new home in the bear sanctuaries in Germany, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Austria and the Ukraine; gives former circus lions and tigers an animal-friendly old age in the South African LIONSROCK.


To the online protest for a ban on wild animals in the circus: www./bruellen

Background information: www./themen/wildtiere/zirkus