Chrysalis spiritual meaning and symbolism (chrysalis)

Chrysalis spiritual meaning The word Chrysalis derives from the Greek χρυσαλλίς which means chrysalis (plural: chrysalises).

It designates the stage of the transformation of a butterfly, in which it develops inside its pupa.

In other words, the chrysalis is actually a part of the caterpillar’s body created by increased production of a hormone called ecdysone, and once it is wrapped, a series of processes take place for the caterpillar to transform it into a beautiful butterfly. .


General features

When we think of butterflies, we often see the symbolism of fragility and gentleness.

However, when the chrysalis (the stage of a butterfly’s development in which it goes from caterpillar a fully developed butterfly) you can see that we are dealing with something magical and truly symbolic.

Let’s see, next, about the chrysalis spiritual meaning.


its symbolism

Chrysalis spiritual meaning #1 Transformation Although the chrysalis refers to the pupal stage of the butterfly, the stage is anything but static. Although to the outside world the cocoon appears to remain motionless and nearly lifeless, a major transformation is taking place.

During this stage, the caterpillar performs one of its most complicated acts, completing its metamorphosis. After which, an adult butterfly is ready to go out into the world.

During the chrysalis the caterpillar, well, for all intents and purposes liquefies almost completely. Only the most critical parts of the caterpillar remain, for example, some of the nervous tissue remains, but it undergoes rearrangement. There is no intermediate form for the caterpillar and the butterfly. There will be no slow gradual development from child to adult, as we have come to expect of mammals.

In this sense, there are no slight changes in physique or appearance. The legs of the caterpillar do not become the legs of the adult butterfly, the wings do not simply sprout from its back.


Chrysalis spiritual meaning #2 Symbolic death and rebirth For the caterpillar to be born as the butterfly we expect when we think of one, the caterpillar has to cease to exist. The caterpillar dies to be reborn. It’s the closest thing to a Phoenix of real life.

To be reborn, you have to leave behind the past, the circumstances and the things that have brought you to your current state, created the current you. The kind of you, with whom you are not necessarily happy. Of course, it is not a requirement to be a chrysalis, you can also be happy with what you already have.

The butterfly’s wings would not be strong enough to carry the caterpillar’s body. Likewise, a person cannot bear all of his shortcomings through his own transformation. You simply won’t be strong enough to carry all your shortcomings with you. They will only hinder your journey.

Change can be painful and will require effort. The more broken you are, the more pieces you have to gather and mend. If you carry with you all the hindrances, you have to carry all the consequences of those hindrances as well. The butterfly’s wings would not be strong enough to carry the caterpillar’s body.

In the same way, a person cannot carry all his shortcomings with him through his own transformation. You simply won’t be strong enough to carry all your shortcomings with you. They will only hinder your journey.


Chrysalis spiritual meaning #3 Learn to discard Because an integral part of Chrysalis is having to learn to let go, it’s an important and magnificent process, even in all its beautiful hollowness, tightness, and weariness. It’s the opposite of hiding under the covers in the fetal position, waiting for someone to come fix all the stuff for you.

It is a series of hard and iron decisions. Changes in the way you discuss things in your head, what words you use, what meaning you assign to them. Chrysalis can be a total dissection of your identity, the sacrifice of your own character, the change of your name, along with everything else. Radical change requires radical actions. There can be no rebirth without death.


Chrysalis spiritual meaning #4 Potential The chrysalis is a symbol of potential (the possibility of passing from ugliness to beauty,
from submission to freedom).

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Chrysalis spiritual meaning #5 Motionless but very much alive Looking at a chrysalis, it is difficult to imagine that it is a living being. Depending on the family, the chrysalis adopts different positions: some are suspended, others have

Some are suspended, others have their heads in the air thanks to a silk belt that supports them. supporting them. During this phase, the insect does not feed or excrete waste. However, it continues to breathe through small holes in the exoskeleton, the «stigmata».

Through the chrysalis, certain body parts of the adult butterfly can often be seen as body parts of the developing adult butterfly, such as the wings, eyes, head, and belly and abdomen. This meaning entails the fact that although we are still on the physical plane our mind is active and alive creating and imagining.


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