Here you can read ‘ detailed statement on the decision of the Lüneburg Higher Administrative Court of November 8th, 2018 that the chimpanzee Robby must remain in the circus.
Consideration of expert opinions
Various expert opinions from both veterinarians and primatologists have been consulted in the process, which has now been going on for six years. They examined both Robby’s health and his behavior in the circus environment. It was also examined whether Robby has chances of resocialization with conspecifics. Serious behavioral anomalies were identified in Robby as a result of being kept alone in the circus environment for decades. The chances of rehabilitation were high. Nevertheless, the court considered it disproportionate to hand over Robby to a suitable sanctuary.
Not a pet, but a great ape – a wild animal
We humans tend to think of Robby as a tame pet. But with that we overlook his true chimpanzee nature, which he has been cheated of so far. The image Robby conveys in his childish circus performances has nothing to do with chimpanzees and offends the genuine intelligence and mischievous slyness with which chimpanzees identify themselves as our furry cousins. Unlike pets, wild animals do not need humans for attachment, protection or care. Only when they are separated from their mothers in infancy and raised without conspecifics do great apes focus on humans – out of necessity.
Although the circus director deals with Robby as much as he can, this only applies to a few hours a day. This does not represent an appropriate substitute for conspecifics. Accordingly, Robby shows behavioral deficits, because in this extremely unnatural environment he cannot live out his species-appropriate social behavior (such as bonding and competition with various partners of different ages and both sexes).
We can understand the very human perspective of the circus family and respect the fact that they feel responsible for Robby’s well-being. However, we doubt that Robby is actually only in good hands with the circus family. Instead, we feel that, better late than never, Robby should have been given the opportunity to live a more humane life and form new bonds.
Circus environment is totally unsuitable for chimpanzees
The intelligent and highly social great ape was denied a species-appropriate life with conspecifics for decades. Instead, he spent most of his time in a boring, tiny trailer or a barren outdoor enclosure. Outside of his performances, his existence fluctuated between lonely and unstimulated and sudden crowds when circus visitors were allowed to marvel at the wild animals. For his past performances in the ring, Robby was forced into a suit and leashed, had to ride a scooter and play ball. Since childhood, he has lived in isolation from social partners appropriate to his species.
Chimpanzees have a pronounced need for mental stimulation and social embedding, which is why keeping chimpanzees alone is extremely contrary to animal welfare. The bond between the chimpanzee Robby and the director of Circus Belly is certainly important for Robby in the current situation, but he never had any other choice. It would have been expected that Robby would make friends with his peers and develop social skills that had only been dormant in him until now and that he could not live out.
Legal requirements ignored for years
It should not be forgotten that, according to the legal requirements for circuses (circus guidelines), great apes are no longer allowed to be kept in circuses – precisely because they have very high housing requirements. For this reason, circuses have not been granted a new animal protection permit for keeping great apes for years. Robby is an exception here that really shouldn’t be. In addition, according to the legal guidelines for zoos (mammal reports), keeping chimpanzees individually is against animal welfare.
In addition, according to the mammal report, an outdoor and indoor enclosure of at least 200 square meters is required. In the circus, Robby only has about 25 square meters of outdoor enclosure and 25 square meters in the cage wagon. That’s ten times too little. So far Robby has behaved docilely, but with chimpanzees there is always a danger that they will get angry and unleash their giant powers. In this case, the circus wagon should not offer any protection and visitors and owners would be in acute danger.
Rehabilitation would have had a good chance of success
The chimpanzee may have adapted to its impoverished environment and short-term human (and animal) replacements, but we suspect it could have been introduced to a situation much more appropriate to its nature. A resocialization of chimpanzees from bad housing – also single housing – has already been carried out successfully in many specialized institutions.
There are also precedents from other chimpanzees who lived to a similarly high age as Robby and have nevertheless adapted very well to a more species-appropriate existence. Apart from being overweight, Robby is in good health. Chimpanzees can live well over 50 years. Experienced employees and suitable chimpanzee partners with similar biographies can be found in specialized sanctuaries. Together with them, Robby could have learned to be a chimpanzee again.
The primatologist Dr. Signe Preuschoft has already successfully resocialized chimpanzees, some of which have been in solitary confinement in animal testing laboratories for decades. «Even back then, it was feared that these chimpanzees would all kill each other. Not even close! In a therapeutically designed process, they were able to learn to live in a group that was comparatively species-appropriate and, as stress hormone tests showed, even enjoy it,» reports Dr. Preushof. The primatologist, who trains orangutan orphans rescued by in Indonesia to live in freedom, emphasizes the ability of great apes to learn and their indestructible will to recover.
very much regrets that Robby should be denied this opportunity for a more species-appropriate life and a better quality of life.