Children's Day: Know the story behind this celebration in Mexico and the world

As every year, On April 30, Children's Day is celebrated in Mexicoa date on which childhoods are celebrated with various celebrations, activities in public spaces and small gifts by all adults in their lives. However, where does this important date come from?

Essentially, Children's Day It originated during World War And, contrary to Mexico, it is celebrated in the month of November in different countries, to recognize the value of childhood and the importance of its development for a better future.

Protecting childhood is the main purpose of Children's Day.GIU VICENTE / UNSPLASH

What is the origin of Children's Day?

Given the danger of children during the armed conflicts of World War I, Children's Day was established as a date to protect infants from the threat that latent against their lives during the war and before any type of violence in general.

That is why activist Eglantyne Jebb founded the organization Save the Childrenand promoted the Declaration of Children's Rights before the United Nations League (which later became the United Nations Organization), to protect the rights and integrity of children.

When is Children's Day in the world?

According to the UN, the Official date to celebrate International Children's Day is November 20however, in many countries such as Mexico a specific date was chosen according to the festivities calendar.

Thus, despite having variations on the dates, there is a reason in common: Protect fundamental needs and rights of boys and girls around the world so that they can have a better future.