Chest ring: In Very useful in individual cases
A dog harness with a chest ring is actually exactly what you would imagine: It not only has a D-ring in the back area, but also one on the chest: So you can put the leash(es) either “up” or “down”. ” fasten.
To achieve this, the chest area of these models is very thickly padded.
Gentle alternative to the collar
Dog harnesses are becoming increasingly popular and have proven to be… gentle alternative to the collar established: Although there are still many owners who rely on the latter, the sense of responsibility is increasingly winning out.
A collar puts a lot of strain on the four-legged friend's sensitive neck. Even a small pulling movement is sometimes enough to cause serious or even fatal injuries to the dog's neck and spine.
Animal rights activists and doctors therefore always recommend a harness: Although it is a little more expensive than most collars, it offers species-appropriate movement and, most importantly Security.
Other Pressure distribution
By attaching the leash to the chest, the Pressure distribution changed in favor of the leading dog owner.
This is very advantageous in many cases, because with the usual position of the D-ring, four-legged friends can develop almost unbearable strength: If a larger and stronger dog wants to, it can often break away without any problems – especially if it surprises its owner.
The front position makes this Dynamics almost completely reversed: The pull is significantly dampened and no longer goes backwards with full force. This means that the movement becomes significantly less attractive for the four-legged friend, and the dog is then much better under control.
Other occasionally used names
Dog harnesses with a chest ring are also occasionally available other name sold. Because of their function, they are so commonly referred to as “Anti-pull harness” referred to, also the name “Front clip harness” can sometimes be found.
Who are chest ring harnesses suitable for?
Dog harnesses with a chest ring are not necessary for every four-legged friend: If your pet is predictably behaved, calm, good-natured and comfortable, it is not necessarily worth buying – then a conventional standard model is often the better choice.
But there are also cases in which this design is clearly superior to others: If one of the following descriptions applies to your pet, a front clip harness should at least be worth an idea.
(Hyper)active dogs
Unfortunately, there are dogs who, despite the best training, keep having misfires and simply don't want to listen. These animals are particularly prone to pulling on the leash.
In the past, these four-legged friends were often branded as poorly behaved. Today we know that it also happens in dogs neurological-mental disorders such as ADHD which disrupt the hormonal balance in the brain.
It is sometimes possible to treat these diseases with medication, herbal sedatives or canine psychotherapy. A chest ring harness then offers additional protection – the animal can cause less damage with it.
Breeds with a strong hunting instinct
Furthermore, a model with a chest ring is often worthwhile if the four-legged friend belongs to a breed that has a healthy and well-developed hunting instinct maintains. Unfortunately, this also includes four-legged friends who are rather large and strong, for example:
- Irish wolfhounds
- Rhodesian Ridgebacks
- English & Irish Setters or also
- Golden & Labrador Retrievers.
Even with the best training, such animals can sometimes be unpredictable: even a small scurry in the bushes can cause the animal to forget all its good manners and want to disappear with all its might. With a special harness, it becomes much less likely that your four-legged friend will be successful with it – but you can usually still keep him under control.
Smart Training harness
Due to the fact that pulling does not lead to immediate success, chest ring models are also often used as Training harness used. Although they are less suitable for puppies due to the very powerful front padding, they are ideal for practicing walking on a leash from young dogs onwards.
Some dog owners even purchase this type of harness solely for this purpose: as soon as the animal no longer shows any signs of pulling, they then switch to a conventional harness.
dogs from physically weaker owners
If a dog pulls hard, it can not only endanger the animal, but also overwhelm the leash handler. Then it is also for people Risk of injury very high – arm injuries, back problems or even painful falls are common consequences.
These are particularly affected here physically weaker dog owners, who cannot keep up with the strength of their four-legged friend. Also older owners are in danger – a fall often causes long-term complications.
In these cases, a dog harness with a chest ring can be a good solution: it minimizes the effort required as well as the risk of injury.