The journey through Chepe can be days or hours.Alex Borderline / Getty images
Where begins and ends the Route of El Chepe?
If the history of resistance and quality of El Chepe fell in love, you must go up and travel its route at least once in life. The tourist line begins in the city of Ojinaga, in Chihuahua, that is, on the border with prison, in Texas. It also ends at the port of Topolobampo, in the Gulf of California in Sinaloa. The route is wide and you can see beautiful landscapes all the way.
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How to travel in Chepe?
You should know what To travel in Chepe you have to acquire tickets, as it was before if the train was required. There are also several costs that cover various amenities inside the train itself. Remember that at each stop people can go down and travel the area.
How long does the trip last at Chepe?
Since Chepe leaves the Mochis, Sinaloa directly to Creel or Copper ravines, in Chihuahua (in the heart of the Sierra Tarahumara) and makes stops, stops, The hard tour, approximately two days; However, each passenger can pay the days you want. It is recommended to extend the stay to enjoy the places of amenities. And the one that is hard passengers about nine hours.
What are the costs of traveling in Chepe?
It should be noted that There is not a single price to travel in Chepe, but several. The cheapest ticket has a cost of 1307 pesos; However, for 8384 pesos you can purchase Chepe Super Express, per 10059 pesos you will have the Barrancas Express package. On the other hand, the Special Copper Barrancas package has a cost of just over 10 thousand pesos. Thus the costs are increasing, so it is pertinent to visit the official website to have better results.
Now, There is a category of El Chepe whose costs go between 700 and 3 thousand pesosit is rather a transport as is.