The Chapada Diamantina National Park is located in Brazil, it is a splendid mountainous region located in the state of Bahia, which is surrounded by beautiful landscapes, lots of rivers, waterfalls and mysterious caves. Its density is a seductive charm that causes great amazement to those who visit it. Made of exotic plants and flowers in a surface of about 586 square miles with sublime views, it is a dream place, a unique and fascinating paradise, where excursions can be made.

This wonderful park was created in 1985, with the purpose of protecting the extraordinary zone from the irrational exploitation of gold and diamonds. An amazing place where one of the country’s highest waterfalls, “Fumaça”, can be found. Over 160 feet of free fall, one of the most iconic and attractive places is Pozo Encantado (Enchanted Well), which has this name because of the illumination it receives from the sun, making the bottom of its incredible turquoise waters completely visible.

The fauna is very rich in this place, with numerous jaguars, ocelots, deers, and other animals. Also, this magical land houses the three highest peaks of Bahia, Pico das Almas, Itobira, and Barbados. Another amazing attraction is the Pai Inacio Mount, and although it is 1120 meters high, it has sidewalks with easy access, and from the top of that mountain, you will have an impressive sight of “Morro de Camelo”, “Capao Valley” and «Morrao». This mountain is a symbol of legends and many mysteries in the region.

There are also other attractions like the “Lençois”, popularly called as “the capital of diamond”, located in the “Serra do Sincorá”, and among all the cities around the Chapada Diamantina National Park, this territory has the best installations to receive tourists. The park is a unique place, an ecotourism jewel, but long ago, it was a hideout for gem hunters.

The routes opened by the “garimpeiros” are used as walking tracks today. Walking through these tracks do not affect the balance of this great environment. People can enjoy the park’s famous waterfalls.

Through this trajectory, you can see the Primavera Waterfall, “Poço Paraíso”, “Salão de Areias Coloridas”, “Poço Serrano”, Sossego Waterfall”, “Pai Inacio Mount”, “Camelo Mount”, “Ribeirao do Meio”, among others. Besides, the tour to the caves is exciting, because we can see the “Enchanted Well”, “Torrinha”, “Lapa Doce”, “Pratinha”, “Pozo Azul”, and “Lapao”.

The Chapada Diamantina National Park is a true spectacle of natural beauty. It is an amazing scenery, full of natural treasures right before our eyes.