The hurricanes season has a peculiar effect on Mexico: revives the story of Chaac, the Mayan god of rain. The name of said deity does not stop flooding the networks and even the traditional media, especially after the sudden construction of a posidon statue in Puerto Progreso, Yucatán, coincided with the passage of the Tropical storm Alberto and Hurricane Beryl. The inhabitants of the region revived their legends and attributed the effects to the anger of Chaac for the presence of another Divinity completely alien to the Mayan culture.
Likewise, the need for the premises to bring back the beliefs that forged us, has come out afloat The mysticism that surrounds Chaac, the Mayan divinity, whose cult has remained in force to date. We enter the Mayan world To reveal the legend of this God, whose story is closely linked Not only to water, but also agriculture.
An incense with a representation of Chaak, the Mayan god of rain.Photo library.
Who was Chaac in the pre -Hispanic world?
For Mayan culture (full of impressive architecture), this divinity is the god of water and rain, and it is also related to lightning and even agriculture. This due to the relationship that has for different cultivation cycles. The popular tradition indicates that the home of this divine figure They were the cenoteswhere some vestiges of some have been found. According to different investigations, Paul Schellhas, a German researcher who specialized in the Maya, identified him as God B, which meant that Chaac was one of the most represented gods in the codices of that civilization.
In these documents and in some sculpturesthe deity appears with a human body, long face, prominent nose and curved fangs that usually relate to snakes, which in the Mayan culture is intimately linked to water. In the representations that have been found, the deity It also carries a kind of ax with which he hits the clouds to cause the rain. This element, prevailing to date among the Yucatecans, is the one that detonated the relationship between the Poseidon statue and Chaac's alleged anger.