Celebrities who decided to give birth with home birth

They are the celebrities who decided to have their children through home birth because they didn’t want to go to any hospital.

Many women today prefer to have their children at home because they prefer the intimacy of a home experience and because of a desire to avoid a technology-centric experience. That is why these Hollywood celebrities lived the experience with their little ones who they described as incredible.

Celebrities gave birth with home birth: Jessica Alba

The actress remembered for her character as Sue in The Fantastic Four revealed that she had followed the «HypnoBirth» method, focused on relaxation during contractions. In addition, she pointed out that it was a calm experience because she became a kind of meditation and in the process she did a yoga breath.

Pamela Anderson

The former Baywatch star gave birth to Brandon and Dylan Lee from her relationship with actor and producer Tommy Lee. In the middle of an interview, the former Playboy indicated that she had given birth at home on both occasions and also mentioned that she had been completely natural, with a midwife, in water and nothing else, not even her partner.

Cindy Crawford

One of the most sought-after models of recent years gave birth to Presley Walker Gerber at her residence in Los Angeles, California. The delivery, which lasted 17 hours and was supervised by a nurse and a companion.

And you, Like these Hollywood celebrities, would you have a home birth? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.