Causes & what you can do

Any bitch that is not spayed will sooner or later come into heat. This is a whole normal processwhich occurs about twice a year.

Therefore, many dog ​​owners react with uncertaintyif your own bitch is suddenly no longer in heat.

In this article you will find out what is behind it when the bitch does not come into heat and how you can support the inner process.

Causes: Why is my bitch not in heat?

Why a bitch does not come into heat different causes have. It is not always due to an illness. If a young bitch does not come into heat, this is usually due to her young age.

Especially at larger dogs comes into heat late. Dogs that come from bad housing or breeding are also more likely to have problems with irregular heat.

Other bitches sometimes have normal heat, but show no corresponding symptoms. Here one speaks of a silent or also white heat.

Other causes are one hormonal imbalanceunderactive thyroid, chromosomal disorder, overactive adrenal glands, or a cyst on the ovaries.

To get to the bottom of the cause, a veterinarian should always be consulted. This can also health problems be excluded.


The typical menopause as in humans does not exist in bitches. If an older bitch does not come into heat, this is usually an indication of an illness. Ovarian disease is often the reason the bleeding stops.

The lack of heat in older bitches is also a risk factor for tumor diseases. If your dog is no longer in heat, you should have her thoroughly examined by the veterinarian to rule out an illness.

Heat without bleeding – is that normal?

A quiet heat is fundamental not dangerous and does happen from time to time. In most cases, only the symptoms of heat are missing. Nevertheless, the bitch should be presented to the veterinarian to clarify the cause.

If it comes to a quiet heat, is nevertheless Caution hip, trendy, popular. Because a heat without bleeding does not mean that the bitch is not fertile.

To prevent pregnancy, it should be males kept away and observed at all times.

Silent heat – symptoms

A quiet heat goes with atypical up no symptoms along. Many dog ​​owners therefore often do not notice when they are in heat.

Especially young bitches are still in the phase of development. This means that although they are already sexually mature, the body is still changing. The bitch is in puberty.

This can lead to irregularities in the cycle. The outward symptoms of a heat like that bleeding or swelling of the genitals does not occur. However, this does not change fertility.

However, some bitches may have changes in their Behave show. They may be more clingy, less responsive to commands, sluggish or restless.

In addition to the quiet heat, there is also the shared heat. A bitch shows the typical signs of being in heat. However, these signs disappear shortly thereafter, only to reappear some time later.


The cycle of a bitch runs in 4 phases. The pre-rut lasts about 9 days. Bleeding occurs during this time, but not yet readiness to mate.

Estrus lasts between 3 and 21 days. The discharge changes and becomes yellowish. This is where ovulation occurs and the bitch is ready for mating.

The after heat is between 9 and 12 weeks long. The discharge stops and the bitch is usually no longer willing to mate. In this phase, false pregnancy often occurs because the progesterone level is still elevated.

The final phase is the resting phase, which can last anywhere from a few weeks to months. There are no signs of heat. The resting phase is then followed by pre-oestrus.

As a rule, bitches come into heat twice a year.

Bitch is not in heat – what to do?

Since a lack of heat in bitches is not always pathological, there are various means to prevent it cycle to support. Despite everything, the bitch should first be examined by a veterinarianto clarify the cause.


A popular homeopathic remedy are Fertilisal drops. These are mostly used during quiet heat. However, they are also administered when the bitch shows no willingness to mate.

Alternatively, the means Hormeel be given, which also has a beneficial effect on the cycle.

Preferably a homoeopath involved in the treatment in order to be able to respond fully to the needs of the animal.

home remedies

A good home remedy is raspberry leaf tea. This is simply boiled up and mixed with the feed. The tea also prevents uterine infections. The raspberry leaves ensure a balanced cycle.

Alternatively, you can Marigold tea mixed with peppermint and chamomile.

chaste tree also has a positive effect on the menstrual cycle, as it has a regulating effect.


A lack of heat can, but does not have to be a serious one illness put. Irregularities in the hormonal balance are often the trigger for this.

Especially the quiet heat is a sign of hormone fluctuations. A few home remedies already help to regulate the cycle again.

Has your dog ever suffered from a lack of bleeding and what has helped?