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815 maidens
As far as it is known, the facts related in the novel «Aura» are fictitious, so The number 815 of Donceles Street does not exist. However, it is possible that Carlos Fuentes have Inspired by one of the houseS Lost among old colonial palaces, turned into repair workshops, watchmakers, shoe and vequets.
Even so, the author himself reveals a key to the probable location of the house, By pointing out that the numbers on that street had been changed:
“The nomenclatures have been reviewed, overlapping, confused. On the 13th next to 200, the old numbered tile -47- above the new warning painted with chalk: now 924 ”.
What is possible to find, is The house of Aura, a Old bookstore located at number 12 of this street, which makes Allusion to Fuentes's novel And it is a meeting point for old collectors.
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Although it is not possible to identify the original house in which “aura” was inspired, Donceles street is full of hundred constructions, With old broken glass windows and heavy wooden doors.
The units of the Tezontle, the niches, the Mexican baroque -carved stone, the lattice balconies, the lamina channels and the sandstone gargoyles, are elements that are still preserved and that transcend in time.
Thus, the Spirit of this novel that the literary and fiction world somehow molded the atmosphere of those endearing blocks, It is still present in that street from Mexico City.