Cards of the angels meaning and reading (tarot angels free)

Cards of the angels meaning The Tarot of the Angels was created by the famous writer Mónica Buonfiglio, who was the one who introduced the teaching of Angelology or Angeology (study on angels) in Brazil, Portugal, the United States and Colombia.

Mônica also explains that the great Hebrew initiates studied the laws of the creation of the Universe, and according to their studies, each major arcana is associated with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet and each letter of this alphabet is associated with a number. Each word is a sequence of numbers that results in a total that expresses its implied meaning.

The minor arcana show stages of development of human consciousness that are manifested by the four elements, which are represented by the four suits: Clubs/Fire, Diamonds/Earth, Spades/Air, and Hearts/Water.

The meanings of the minor arcana are fixed and their function is to clarify, explain and detail the information transmitted by the major arcana, especially in relation to deadlines.

The Tarot of the Angels, in addition to exposing the traditional meanings of the other tarot decks, works as an opening to the unconscious, where important messages can bring more tranquility to the consultant so that he can understand the paths of his life. Its interpretation is more direct, which allows predictions to be made in the coming months or years.

A great differential of this tarot are the illustrations taken from great works of religious painting, in which angels of all categories are represented.

The person who consults this oracle must be prepared to receive this influence, since he will be invoking the celestial forces.


Meaning of each letter

Below is the meaning of the angel cards. If you wish, you can print them and then cut them out in order to use them; always taking into account one of the forms of rolls or interpretation described below:


Angel cards meaning: Metatron

The most earthly of the angels, since it has the function of supervising the annotation of all human acts, in the great book of life; That is why it allows us to establish limits and carry out everything we set out to do, from the simplest to the most complex, as long as it is for the good.


Letters of the angels meaning: Archangel Michael

Known as the Chief of the archangels, San Miguel, is the greatest of all celestial entities and the one who helps us fight when we are presented with an internal struggle between the negative and the positive, providing peace, patience and happiness.


Letters of the angels meaning: Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel is the angel of joy, of revelation and the bearer of good news. He gives strength and wisdom in the difficult moments of life, respecting the individuality of each person.


Letters of the angels meaning: Archangel Raphael

He is known as the angel of healing and understanding. He has under his protection physical and mental health and healing. Likewise, he is known as the Guardian of the tree of life.


Letters of the angels meaning: Archangel Uriel

It represents the flame of knowledge and gives us mental clarity in our daily actions. He is also known as the Angel of Salvation because the Creator sent him to prevent Noah from the universal flood.


Letters of the angels meaning: Children

This celestial being is considered the protector of the family, especially future mothers and their babies. That is why he defends all that is pure and innocent in us. He gives us food to go through each day and, in turn, blesses any new activity in life.


Letters of the angels meaning: Youth

This celestial being is the protector of the young and offers vitality and help in discovering the correct way of doing things. Therefore, it is considered that he fosters creativity and leadership skills.


Young love

This angel protects all lovers. That is why he keeps everything related to the bonds of love that contribute to our spiritual growth. He blesses and renews love and brings deep and true happiness.


Young adults

This being of light facilitates the correct decision making in order to increase our opportunities for growth and development. Also, bless our path and we can trust that everything that happens is for spiritual growth and well-being.



This celestial being allows us to understand and learn from our experiences, and which strengthens our character. It helps us overcome obstacles to achieve success whenever it is for our good.



When we have moments of physical breakdown, this being of light comes to our call to bless our medicines, watch over our well-being, and to give us enough energy and vitality to overcome that situation. Likewise, he protects us from negative influences.



This angel makes it easier for us to develop our creative and expressive senses that help inspiration come more easily. For this reason, it comes to the aid mainly of artists and all those related to the world of art.



If you feel the need to develop, at a given moment, your interior, this angel can guide you. since it allows us to discover those virtues that we need to receive divine gifts.



Bring divine light into our lives to transform it and guide it towards the common good. He guides our path to always do good and to understand and be in solidarity with our brothers. The fraternity is under his protection. This angel is the one who represents the willingness to serve others.



This angel guides us to become more sensitive and receptive to celestial energy. It makes it easier for us to listen and understand our spiritual consciousness.



If we want to grow spiritually and seek balance to be happier, this angel will allow us to act logically. Likewise, it will help us to be more receptive to new ideas and makes us more optimistic in critical moments.



If we feel sad, anxious or angry, this angel will help us so that these negative emotions fade away and no longer affect our mood and spiritual growth. He also helps us express our positive feelings with greater confidence.



To strengthen our innate gifts, we must invoke this angel, who under his protection and blessing we will be able to enhance and strengthen our intuition.



This angel comes to our call in moments of pain, hopelessness and sadness to give us peace and tranquility. It makes it easier for us to reconcile opposing forces and to channel our energies and thoughts in order to find a solution to the conflicts that arise in life.



This being of light gives us security to face daily conflicts. He opens our minds and hearts so that the essence of divine love penetrates our being. He encourages dreams to create a vision of what life would be like, without accepting living from that place within us.



If we lack emotional, spiritual and physical balance, this angel can help us and open the channels for us to find and connect with harmonious people. Only if we are pleasant with the people around us, we will achieve equality and harmony in our lives.



ဠThis being of light offers stimuli so that we consciously use our freedom correctly and enhance our reasoning. This way we can make the right decisions. This angel will enlighten us to successfully overcome the obstacles that arise in life.



When we are facing trials and difficult problems to solve, this angel helps us to listen to the voice of the heart and act with wisdom and humility. This messenger of light works with our higher self and makes us trust ourselves and our experiences are positive and enriching.



If we lack faith, this Being of light allows us to reflect on God and understand that we are deeply loved, guided and protected by the heavenly King and his angels on Earth. That is why when problems are present, it allows us to hope for a better future.



If sorrow, pain and bitterness fill our spirit, this angel allows us to free ourselves from these feelings to find peace and serenity in our lives. He is present to help us and that we can transform those situations into positive thoughts of love and forgiveness.



This angel helps us to reflect on our bad actions and to be consistent with them. We can only accept the gift of mercy by being tender and affectionate with ourselves.



This divine being helps us to forgive and forget. We are not truly sincere and fair if we cannot forgive. It is important to let go of grudges and leave resentments behind; feelings that do not let us evolve and perfect our spirituality.


miracle of love

The angel gives us love without limitations and enlightens us to understand accepting divine love in our lives. Everyone can receive the gifts from Heaven as long as he is honest with himself. The more transparent we are, the more we will enjoy sincere love.


essence of love

This divine being helps us remove that mask that creates the illusion of worldly pleasures and allows us to see reality as it is. It is our guide in case we have doubts about a situation that seems good, but maybe deep down it is not.


Eternal love

Being of light allows us to clearly understand that true love is sincere, unconditional and, at the same time, eternal. The angel helps us find the authentic essence of that pure and crystalline feeling.



This messenger of light helps us find and identify what is authentic. He guides us to understand what is the internal consciousness that is projected towards good. In this way we can face the ups and downs of life and progress along the way.



This angel facilitates the development of our ability to listen to our inner voice and our hearts, which will help us guide ourselves on the hard path of life, since he wants us to make the best decisions.



By praying and invoking this angel, we receive the understanding and total clarity that we are all perfect in the eyes of the Creator, empowering our senses to listen and thus obtain greater experience in life.



This heavenly messenger exhorts us to perform actions full of sincere love and works through our conscious mind. He also encourages us to get to know each other and understand that we are co-creators of the universe and the planet we inhabit.



This being of light allows us to understand and develop the abilities and talents that we all have. By invoking it, we begin to fight for everything we want as long as it is for our own good. He challenges us every day so that…