To the most common tumor types count with the dog skin tumors. Whereby 70 to 80% of these skin tumors are benign are.
Everything you need to know about the Illnessher symptoms and the Treatment need to know, you will find out now.
Symptoms of a skin tumor in dogs
To the noticeable signswhich can be found with the naked eye, include the following changes of the complexion:
Small knots or knobs
Do you feel one when brushing or combing? slight resistancewhich is not due to matted hair, then check it immediately.
Because it could also about parasites on the skin act, which must be removed!
Persistent wounds
Did your darling injured and the Scratches will not and will not healthen let yourself besides tumors also infections set.
Such non-healing scratches must be clarified immediately.
Conspicuous birthmarks
The Skin is also the outer protective layer of the body for our dogs.
environmental influences such as toxins (unfortunately also found in shampoos), pathogens and sun exposure can cause skin cancer to develop from birthmarks.
So you should changes in the complexion of your favorite determinedwatch these not for weeks. An early diagnosis increases the chances of recovery immensely
Regular grooming rituals can ensure that Early skin cancer in dogs is recognized.
Whether it is a benign or even one malignant skin tumor a veterinarian must determine.
If you a tumour, a growth at your dog can recognizethen agree an appointment immediatelyto clarify what exactly it is about.
Malignant skin tumors include melanoma, mast cell tumor, fibrosarcoma or squamous cell carcinoma.
Diagnosis & treatment at the vet
If you are now sitting with your four-legged friend at the veterinarian, you will asked questions about his behavior. become like this other or additional difficulties recognized.
So-called non-specific symptoms must do not indicate skin cancerbut go often along with him.
Such symptoms must into the diagnosis as well as included the following treatment become.
To this symptoms belong:
- increased panting
- chronic cough
- apathetic behavior
- lethargic behavior
- swelling in the lymph nodes
The skin tumor in question then becomes one tissue sample taken and if necessary, a biopsy carried out.
First with it could be said, whether it is a malignant skin tumori.e. skin cancer.
Based on this sample and an additional number of symptoms, the veterinarian can possibly deduce whether the skin cancer has spread.
metastases are to be suspected if the malignant skin tumor detected late becomes.
Dependent from the established tumor type your veterinarian will do one treatment method choose which one if possible one surgical removal of the skin tumor on your dog.
If your vet recommends radiation treatment as an additional measure, be sure to get a second opinion.
Radiation and chemotherapy are burdened with additional stress and do not always produce the desired result.
What is the life expectancy of a dog with a skin tumor?
The Life expectancy of your favorite after receiving the diagnosis dependent of the type of malignant skin tumor, your dog’s age and stage.
At early detection and immediate successful treatmentsuch as the surgical removal of skin cancer, does not speak against it another 2 years or that Reaching the minimum number of years of life expectancy the race.
One serious reduction in life expectancy is found above all in malignant skin tumors, which are discovered late and have even spread, i.e. attack surrounding organs.
Here is intensive contact with the veterinarian hip to get your darling through Attempts of therapy options not to additionally burden and prolong his suffering.
How can I support my dog?
Best and foremost you should support your dog by doing that you keep calm and try yours Don’t transfer feelings onto him.
The more composed you are, the more confidence you can give your darling.
In any case, join us Immune system enhancing therapies trusted. They stimulate the wounds or after operations self-healing powers at.
Ask your vet about it and think to accompanying measures also from the homeopathy.
To the most important tasks as a dog owner belongs to Care.
Changes in the skin can only be detected at an early stage if the care ritual is carried out regularly and calmly.
To this care and control rituals heard especially those skin around the earsbecause there gather parasites and dirt, which are among the triggers of tumorsespecially like to.
claws and teeth should also be included in the care ritual in order to identify possible diseases, especially tumors, at an early stage and thus increase your pet’s chances of recovery.
We want to reiterate that the vast majority of skin cancers are benign and you don’t need to panicbefore your vet made the diagnosis.
Otherwise, your fears will be transferred to your companion and can jeopardize healing or therapy.
If you have experience with benign or malignant skin tumors in dogs or experienced this yourself with your beloved four-legged friend, then tell us your story!