Feng Shui is a system of geomancy originated in China and is based on the ancient texts I ching or «book of mutations».

This Taoist system consists of the mindful placement of objects so that yin and yang (opposite poles that complement each other) are in harmony and balance.

The purpose of Feng Shui is to obtain a positive influence about the people who live in the decorated home as dictated by this pseudoscience.

One of the most used elements in this system are the candleswhich are not an object of decoration but a source of energy that eliminates accumulated negativity in a certain room of a house.

That is why, in the following article, we explain how to use candles in feng shui decoration in every room of your home.

Candles in different rooms of the house according to Feng Shui

As we have indicated, candles and Feng Shui are two closely related elements, since in this philosophy this illuminating object represents Yan energy, that is, it is a source of heat and life that guides us towards good energies and eliminates negativity in the environment of a house.

However, to use candles in a Feng Shui decoration, we must know how to choose both the color and the exact orientation of the object to carry out our requests correctly.

Orientation of the candles according to our objectives

In addition to the color, we also have to take into account the orientation of the candle to achieve different objectives:

  • Located to the south: they are used here to attract success and fame and to reduce both distress and anxiety.
  • Located to the east: In this place, candles promote family harmony and healing energies in case of illness.
  • located north: Often used on this site for good energy to help you in your career.
  • located to the west: They serve to attract travel, creativity and a good move in the case of a change of address.

Candles in the bedroom Feng Shui

The candles will be located as follows:

  • If you want promote your relationship, the candles will be pink or red and will be placed to the southwest. They should be used sparingly as they could cause restlessness.
  • if you suffer from insomnia, anxiety or another illness, the candles should be towards the east and the most successful colors will be green in the case of seeking serenity, or yellow or orange for other illnesses.
  • Finally, if you use your bedroom as a study, blue candles facing southeast will be very useful.

Did you know…?

According to this pseudoscience, our health and well-being often depends on the state of the bedroom. That is, if, for example, you frequently suffer from sleep disorders, it is likely that they are caused by a poor position of the bed, poorly positioned decoration elements or incorrect lighting.

Candles in the bathroom Feng Shui

We will use the candles in a Feng Shui decoration to seek energy balance depending on the location of your bathroom.

  • The bathrooms that are north (place of the profession and the career), they will not have to be decorated in excess and we will use the colors that represent the wood (like green) so that the energy flows.
  • Nap in the east or southeast (place of the water element), we will use candles in red and pink tones to counteract said elements, and thus balance the energies of the place.
  • If they are In the south (symbol of success and fame) we will balance the energies using candles in ocher, yellow and mustard tones.
  • Lastly, if you find both in the west and northwest (places where the metal element is located) it is important to look for colors that represent water such as light blue and black to reduce the possible negative energies of the room.

Candles in the Feng Shui room

Living rooms are usually a place where we carry out different leisure activities such as watching TV, reading on the sofa, being with your family or meeting friends.

According to Feng Shui, it is the heart of a home so it is important that it is a place full of positive energy and a relaxing environment.

In the case of wanting to use candles for a Feng Shui decoration, we will have to use them in the corners of the room since they are the places where the energy gets stuck.

Another tip!

For the energy to flow in a balanced way, we will always use candles in white, yellow and orange tones since they are colors that represent optimism, purity and joy.

Articles related to candles and Feng Shui

As you have realized so far, candles are necessary to have a proper Feng Shui environment regardless of the place you want to decorate. If you are wondering where you can buy candles for Feng Shui, below you will find a selection with the best related products:

Feng Shui according to the color of the candles

Each color has its own vibrationso it is important to know what meaning the different shades can have to decorate with candles according to Feng Shui:

  • Red: represents fire and life force. They are used to bring energy when you feel down and passion to a love relationship.
  • Blue: represents the mind and knowledge. Use a blue candle when you need calm and mental clarity to make good decisions.
  • White: symbolizes purity and perfection, so they are ideal for removing bad vibrations from a home.
  • Black: is the symbol of the unknown and the mysterious. They are used to absorb negativity from an environment or person.
  • Yellow: represents the Sun, optimism and intelligence, so it can be a good option to improve concentration and stimulate the mind.
  • Green: symbolizes nature, hope and serenity. Use a green candle when you need to finish a stage and start a new one in your life.

Before finishing the post, we leave you this video where they are going to explain the relationship between candles and feng shui, also relating it to the essential materials of life that surrounds us.

Do you want more? Do not miss our websites of meanings!

Last updated on 2022-09-05 / Affiliate Links / Affiliate API Images