Candle Day 2021: What is celebrated and why?

East Candlelight Day 2021 we continue to celebrate with some health regulations, but of course you can celebrate! It is a tradition with history.

Year after year, the night before the December 8 holiday (Day of the Immaculate Conception), thousands of Colombian families take to the streets, light candles and lanterns on the platforms and share some onces.

Why is Candle Day celebrated?

On the night of December 7, Christians remember the annunciation, the biblical episode when the Archangel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would be chosen to be the mother of Jesus, who would be conceived «without sin»; That is why the following day, December 8, is a holiday and the Day of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated.

When is Candle Day 2021?

According to the religious portal Cope.esDecember 8, 1854 was when Pope Pius IX declared the dogma on the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin with the bull Ineffabilis Deus. In the pandemic year it falls on a Tuesday, but Colombians celebrate it the night before, on Monday, December 7.

The bull to which we refer was very important, because the Immaculate Conception it is one of the four Marian dogmas (unquestionable truths of the Virgin Mary); the other three are: divine maternity, perpetual virginity and assumption to heaven in body and soul.

Legend has it that Catholics around the world lit torches in front of their houses; later, this was repeated annually and little by little it was transformed into a more familiar celebration.

Why do we celebrate the day of the candles?

Although for Catholics the truly significant celebration, spiritually speaking, is that of the following day, in many Latin American countries this night marks the official start of Christmas and the year-end festivities, which include the traditional Novenas, the New Year and until the arrival of The three wise menin January.

Prayer for the Day of the Candles

“We are going to light them asking the Blessed Virgin to pass by blessing each one of our homes and intercede for us so that Her Son Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, grants reconciliation and peace to all the families of Colombia.”

It is one of the most famous prayers that are prayed in our country during this night, according to the portal

How to celebrate tonight with social distancing?

That is very easy, because this is one of the end of the year celebrations that must be carried out, by its nature, outside the houses; take advantage to see you with your family and friends outdoors, taking into account these recommendations:

  1. Make sure that you, your family, children and neighbors use the mask permanently and correctly.
  2. Do not share food or drinks with people outside the family nucleus.
  3. Try not to sing; If they are going to pray, let it be with their masks on and in a low voice.
  4. Wrap up well, because the serene can make you vulnerable to respiratory diseases.
  5. Do not dance or get drunk, because with the extra drinks the biosecurity protocols are forgotten.

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