Canaan Dog Breed Portrait (with Pictures and Information)

In our following breed portrait it works around the world again. Next stop: Israelwhere one dog breed with biblical names their homeland has.

We’re talking about Canaan dogwho is possibly a little less known in this country.

We’ll tell you now Everything you need to know about health, care, keeping and education this pretty fur nose.

Canaan Dog Wanted Poster

Size Male: 51 to 61 cm, female: 48 to 58 cmWeightMale: 20 to 25 kg, female: 16 to 20 kgColorsBlack, Red, Gold, Cream, Brown, TanLife expectancy12 to 15 yearsOriginIsraelcharacter/temperamentalert, alert, intelligent, dedicated, cautious, focusedFCI groupGroup 5: Spitz and archetypes, Section 6: Archetypes


Square and compact – these are just two characteristics that apply to the physique of the Canaan dog.

The muscular body is despite the rough edges very harmonious and well proportioned.

The square impression also lies by the way on the muscular legs. Because these are in about as long as the dog is tall is.

The narrow and long head is from large triangular and erect ears completed.

The rod of the Canaan Dog set highthe dog carries her on her back.

Coat, coat texture & coat colors

The Canaan Dog has one dense, harsh and short furthat of a padded with dense and soft undercoat becomes.

The fur is allowed in the following colors appear: Black, Red, Gold, Brown, Cream and Loh.

They can Colors both as a single base color as well as in two and three color combination happen.

Eye Shape & Eye Color

The Canaan Dog has large, almond-shaped eyes, who keep a watchful eye on their surroundings. You are from one deep dark brown.

Height Weight

Canaan Dog males weigh at one Shoulder height from 51 to 61 centimeters between 20 and 25 kilograms.

female dogs are a bit smaller and lighter. Here lies the Shoulder height at 48 to 58 centimetersthe weight oscillates between 16 and 20 kilograms a.

History & Origin of the Canaan Dog

The Canaan Dog, too Canaan Dog or Israel Spitz called, is an incredibly beautiful one medium sized dog breed from Israel.

The breed originated from so-called pariah dogs, feral domestic dogs.

The Canaan Dog named after the biblical land of Canaan is, we owe one Austrian research couple.

The Breeding began in the 1930s. The FCI recognized the Canaan dog in 1966 as a race.

Nature & Character of the Canaan Dog

The Canaan Dog has one special character and temperament. In fact, very different properties meet here.

The intelligent dog is considered very independent. He is always focused on the matterbut tends to to question commands and orders.

Him becomes a watchful being attested, he should also have one have a particularly high tolerance level.

That means he’s like that not easily disturbed by anything leaves – not even from children’s screams.

Does he have one close bond with its people constructed, the Israelspitz is a loyal and devoted companion.

Caution is advisedwhen he’s on especially same-sex peers meets. Because with these is usually not good at eating cherries.

Otherwise occurs in their presence mostly peaceful and cautious Canaan dog relatively aggressive on.

attitude & upbringing

Now that you know what character and temperament awaits you in the Canaan dog, we will now reveal how these two factors affect each other attitude and upbringing affect.


The Israelspitz needs a lot of space and exercise. This is due to his still existing wild genes.

for one housing is this fur nose definitely not suitable. she would like to a house, a garden and plenty of opportunities to romp around in the great outdoors.

Please note that your Getting puppies used to being on a leashKey point: other fur noses.

Good to know

The Israelspitz is although an independent four-legged friendyet he appreciates it Don’t leave alone.

So you should train with the puppyto leave the dog alone.


The education of the Canaan dog is shaped as quite challenging. Because the fur nose has now once her own head and wants to push it through.

As with all dog breeds is also here consequence necessary and important.

Did he once trust in you and you accepted as alpha animal? Then she should too Education is child’s play and the Israelspitz an easygoing dog be.

It makes sense with the Canaan dog attend a puppy or dog school. Because this breed should contact with other dogs as early as possible have.

Here’s how you can innate aggression towards other dogs and the breed’s natural shyness punctual counteract.

Health & Care

Robust health or prone to disease and problems? What about the Canaan dog here?

You will now receive the answers as well as them important care information this breed.

Grooming & General Grooming

As challenging as the character of the Canaan Dog can be, so grooming is undemanding – despite the dense undercoat.

One of the reasons why you rarely to the brush have to grab: The dog is considered very clean and is in the very rarely very dirty or musty.

inflammation can unnoticed quickly in diseases transform. They can form again in the eyes, ears, mouth and paws.

That’s why you should use these Check body parts regularly and clean if necessary.


It is partly thanks to the wild genes that the Canaan dog no breed-specific diseases and the problems associated with it present.

Still, you should, too, with this rugged outdoorsman visit the vet once a year become.

Please also pay attention on these things:

Life expectancy

The Life expectancy of the Canaan Dog is 12 to 15 years.

Is the Canaan Dog right for me?

Before we conclude our breed portrait with some fun facts about the Canaan Dog, we will help you to answer the following question: «Is the Canaan Dog right for me?»

Just see if you behind the following statements can do. If so, it should Canaan Dog the right breed for you be. 😊

  • you want with one Dog live together, the no will to please has.
  • you are looking for one loyal and fearless companionwho is always by your side.
  • You dare a dog to, the one more very wild and original being has.
  • you are looking for one family dogyour loved ones and you protected from all dangers.

Not suitable is the Israelspitz as beginner dog. Also Peoplewho are looking for a dog who follows them unconditionallyshould the Stay away from this breed.

Fun facts about the Canaan dog

You have all important informationthat you need to the Canaan Dog? Then now is the time for a few final fun facts about the furry nose.

Israelspitz puppies from responsible breeders cost between €1,200 and €1,500.

The Canaan Dog was born by a Jewish emigrant from Austria bred, has one biblical namesstems from Palestine and is nevertheless Israeli.

Attack is considered the best defense – what the Canaan dog fortunately sees differently. Before he can get his paws, will first growled vigorously.

Even if the Canaan Dog a young breed of dog is, let his ancestors to the Stone Age trace back.

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