Can dogs see in the dark? A dog expert explains!

At night all cats are grey. So much for the gray theory. All cats can usually see very well at night.

But what about our dogs? Can dogs see in the dark? And if so, what does it actually look like? And how do dogs see anyway?

Find out the exciting answers in the following guide.

Can dogs see in the dark? The answer

Wondering if dogs can see in the dark? Then we can ask this with a clear «yes» respond.

In fact, dogs see at night almost as well as their best friends, the cats. The reason: the eyes are equipped with significantly more rods, than with us humans. In addition, dog eyes have the so-called Tapetum lucidum.

This «luminous carpet» is located in the choroid of the dog’s eye. In fact, this membrane is responsible for the glow of dog and cat eyes.

You have certainly seen this before, for example when a photo flash hits the eye.

Good to know:

Dogs may be able to see better in the dark than humans. But that doesn’t mean they do either can still see when it’s really pitch black.

Then even the very good dog eyes have to capitulate. Then take over instead the excellent hearing and the even more excellent sense of smell the orientation.

By the way: There are 10 things that dogs can do better than humans.

How do dogs actually see?

You thought the glowing carpet was interesting? Then look forward to the following information.

Have you always wondered if dogs Colors or see ghosts? Then we can tell you that they can.

However, they do not have the same color spectrum at their disposal as we humans do. In fact, the canine world is putting itself out Blue, violet, yellow and green tones together.

Red is not among the colors that can be identified and seen as such for a dog. So dogs are red-blind.


Dogs become the so-called dichromats counted. What that means? Nothing other than that they have two recognizable color spectra.

We humans have three of them, which is why we can also see shades of red. have for that Dogs four types of cones. And thus recognize significantly more shades from the color spectra mentioned above than we humans.

Why are dogs anxious in the dark?

Many dogs feel the same way in the dark as do small children who are afraid of the monster under the bed.

Darkness always means: It doesn’t matter how good your eyesight is. Even a dog doesn’t really know what may be lurking around the next corner.

In addition, that Field of view massively restricted by the darknesst will. Cats have an advantage here.

Because they can use their long whiskers here to avoid running into every corner and edge.

Good to know:

Straight old or sick dogs get it often at night with anxiety to do. Why? As mentioned above, ears and nose take over from a certain degree of darkness.

In old age, however, these important organs also become weaker, or even as a result of illness.

Can the dog no longer rely on these two sense organshe feels helpless, he is afraid.

What do I have to consider when walking my dog ​​in the dark?

If you are out and about with your dog in the dark, there are a few things to consider. Because if you just go into the dark with your dog, so to speak, this can harbor some quite dangerous risks.

First you should – similar to a bicycle – make sure that both you and your dog are recognized by drivers, for example.

Here are suitable reflectors, which you can attach to dishes, among other things. Because dark dogs in particular are no longer recognized on dark paths or only too late. A flashing collar can also help here.

It is also useful if you for your «night hike» known ways. Your dog has already saved this in terms of smells. So he feels safe here.

What else should you consider? take definitely a flashlight with – and by that we don’t mean the corresponding function of your smartphone.

Also note that your dog behave differently in the evening or at night becomes. After all, darkness is a different message than daylight.

So be prepared for your dog to try to tear out or afraid becomes. And then just as difficult to keep on a leash.

Last but not least, there is another risk lurking in rural areas that should not be underestimated: At dusk and at night, wild animals like to go for a walk.

These in turn are a great opportunity, especially for hunting dogs, to burn off a little excess energy before going to bed.


Ever wondered if dogs can see in the dark? And how do they actually perceive the world?

Then you have This article provides the answers to these two exciting questions receive. In addition, you now also know that dogs – just like us humans – can be afraid of the dark.

Almost more important: In order to protect your dog and you in the dark, you have received some valuable tips from us.

Can you add your own experiences and tricks to this information? Then feel free to share them with us and other dog owners in the comments!