Many four-legged friends love yoghurt and like to lick the rest of the cup. But is it healthy to give your dog yogurt? Or can it even be harmful if your dog regularly eats this dairy product?
The question arises: Can dogs eat yogurt?
In a nutshell: Can my dog eat yoghurt?
Yes, your dog can eat yogurt in small amounts. However, many dogs cannot tolerate lactose, so you should only feed your dog lactose-free yogurt, if at all. This will reduce the risk of him getting diarrhea or severe flatulence.
Yogurt is healthy for your dog
You can usually give your dog yoghurt without hesitation. Although it contains lactose just like milk, the proportion is much lower. For sensitive dogs or lactose intolerance, you should buy lactose-free yoghurt.
Yoghurt is rich in protein and easy to digest. It contains many vitamins and minerals. These include vitamins A, B, C, D, E, calcium, magnesium and potassium.
The valuable ingredients are very healthy and have a positive effect on bones, teeth, muscles and the intestinal flora.
Your dog can benefit from the valuable lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt.
These can strengthen the body’s defenses and immune system. Furthermore, the lactic acid bacteria should have an anti-inflammatory effect and be able to regenerate the intestinal mucosa.
It is also ideal for building up the intestinal flora after taking antibiotics. You can also feed yogurt to an ailing dog to naturally strengthen it.
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Therefore, your dog should only eat pure natural yoghurt
Only give your dog pure natural yoghurt. Even if he looks at you with his wide, sweet eyes, you should not give him the leftovers of your fruit yoghurt.
Some ingredients can adversely affect health over time. In fact, one ingredient is so dangerous that eating it can kill your dog.
If you want to offer your dog variety, you can pimp the yoghurt with pureed fruit, vegetables or oatmeal.
Dangerous additives in yoghurt
Most yogurts contain sugar. Make sure that you only buy natural yoghurt if you want to feed it to your furry friend. Unfortunately, sugary yoghurts are anything but healthy.
You should also pay attention to the ingredients of labels that claim to be “sugar-free”. Synthetic sweeteners are often hidden behind them.
The most dangerous ingredient a yogurt can have is xylitol. This sugar substitute, which is tooth-friendly for us humans, is toxic for dogs.
It is enough for your fur nose to lick an empty cup.
If you realize your dog has just eaten from it, you should go to the vet immediately. Unfortunately, there is no antidote yet. Your vet’s only option is to make your dog vomit to save him. If the first symptoms of poisoning are already there, nothing can usually be done.
Attention Toxic!
Always look at the ingredient list of the yogurt. Some are sweetened with xylitol (birch sugar). This sugar is toxic to dogs and can, in the worst case, lead to death!
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The right amount for your fur nose
As with anything, don’t overdo it with yogurt. Depending on the size of the dog, 1 to 3 tablespoons of yoghurt (3.5% fat) daily are sufficient. You can feed them pure or just give them over their food.
When your furry friend eats yoghurt for the first time, you should watch it afterwards to see if it tolerates it.
If you find that he isn’t, but he loves yogurt and can’t get enough of it, consider buying lactose-free yogurt.
The same applies if you are (still) unsure whether your dog tolerates normal yoghurt.
Conclusion: Can dogs eat yogurt?
Yes, your dog can eat yoghurt. Since some dogs are lactose intolerant, you should give your pet lactose-free yoghurt. It is important that you only feed natural ones. It should always be sugar free. Then your furry friend can regularly benefit from the health properties of the delicious milk product.
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