Googly eyes, wag tail, yes you recognized that right:
It’s me Hansi, under the table, your labrador and I want fish!
Now you’re asking yourself: Can my dog even eat salmon?
You’re having delicious salmon today, but is it fun for Hans too?
Do you Salmon share with your dog In this article you will find out whether you are allowed to eat it or should eat it all by yourself.
In a nutshell: Can my dog eat salmon?
Yes, dogs can eat salmon! Your dog benefits from the valuable omega-3 fatty acids and high vitamin D content in salmon. Fish offers a healthy alternative to meat in your dog’s diet. Therefore, the salmon in the dog bowl should not be missing.
Is Salmon Healthy For Dogs?
Absolutely! Salmon is an excellent source of nutrients.
Regular consumption of salmon can also reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks in dogs.
He delivers valuable omega-3 fatty acidsthat are vital for your darling.
Omega-3 promotes healthy skin and coat, strengthens the immune system and can increase brain power. The dog’s body cannot produce this important fatty acid on its own, which is why an external supply is absolutely necessary!
Reading tip: You can eat dog shrimp? Find out all about it in our article, Can Dogs Eat Shrimp? and how it can affect their health.
Beneficial effect of salmon
The Germans’ favorite food fish can also score with our dogs with plenty of nutrients and vitamins:
- Vitamin – Niacin
- Vitamin B6 – pantothenic acid
- Vitamin B12 – Magnesium
- Vitamin D – Calcium
- Vitamin E – Iodine & Selenium
In addition, salmon contains almost no carbohydrates, but a lot of healthy protein!
Good to know:
Other types of fish contain the enzyme thiaminase, which can lead to vitamin B1 deficiency in dogs. Since salmon does not contain thiaminase, feeding the delicate pink fish is harmless.
Can salmon also be harmful to dogs?
Yes, if you don’t buy, store and prepare it carefully, salmon can also pose some dangers.
In general, fish spoils very quickly, which is why you should definitely try it buy fresh and store well refrigerated should.
When buying, look for organic quality, a neutral smell and a healthy appearance.
Salmon contains a lot of fat, which is why it is not suitable for feeding overweight dogs.
How Much Salmon Can My Dog Eat?
You should always be on one balanced nutrition of your dog and do not feed your dog only one type of meat or fish.
For one varied menu can you one fish day a week and replace this main meal with salmon, for example.
The amount depends on your dog’s weight, size and age.
Can I feed my dog all parts of the salmon?
Yes, you can – except for the bones!
After removing the bones, you can feed your dog all the parts of the salmon, from the head to the flesh to the skin and fins.
This also applies to most other fish species.
In the animal feed trade you can usually get salmon in the following variants:
- minced
- rolled
- in one piece
- fish head
- fish skin
- fish mix
Can dogs eat smoked salmon?
Smoked salmon is rather unsuitable for feeding your dog.
But why?
Because smoked salmon contains significantly more salt than fresh fish, which is harmful to your dog in large quantities.
It is best to always feed your dog fresh, natural, organic fish. Smoked fish contains too much salt, which can harm your four-legged friend.
Can dogs eat salmon skin?
Yes, you can feed all the fish to your dog!
Most dogs especially love the oily skin of salmon.
However, if your dog comes with you overweight is struggling, consider skinning the fish and giving it just a small piece, or eliminating the oily fish from your diet altogether.
Feed salmon raw or cooked?
Both are possible.
Either way, you should remove the bones from the salmon.
Smaller bones can be eaten when fed raw, but cooked they harden and become a danger to your dog.
The best and easiest way to feed fresh salmon is raw.
If you are no longer sure whether the fish has been in the fridge for two or three days, it is better to boil it to kill any germs and parasites.
Salmon allergy in dogs?
there is! In fact, not all dogs tolerate fish.
However, it does not always have to be an allergy. An intolerance usually comes with similar symptoms.
If, after feeding salmon or other types of fish, you notice that your dog is restless, vomiting, or has diarrhea, you should definitely consult a veterinarian.
Salmon treats for dogs
Bought or homemade – the possibilities for getting fish treats for your dog are almost limitless!
Treats are mass-produced primarily from salmon or other fish skins. They are a popular training snack among dog owners.
We recommend that you always buy natural, dried chews such as braided salmon skin sticks, dried cod pieces or perch fillets.
Homemade Salmon Cookies:
The next time you prepare a salmon fillet, you can use the leftovers to bake salmon biscuits for your dog. You can find some great recipes online that will take you just fifteen minutes to make. The advantage is: you know exactly what’s in it!
Wild salmon, farmed salmon or coalfish?
wild salmon:
The wild salmon does not need any antibiotics at all. This fact alone makes it the healthiest option for your dog. Since the wild salmon can move freely, the fat content is significantly lower than that of farmed salmon. It contains many unsaturated fatty acids.
farmed salmon:
Targeted fattening means that farmed salmon is very fatty. In cage farming, antibiotics are often added to fish, which your dog also ingests by eating farmed salmon. Pay attention to good quality, free from animal suffering!
It’s not salmon at all, it’s actually cod. You can still feed it to your dog, even if it contains fewer valuable ingredients than healthy wild salmon.
Can dogs eat salmon? Key facts at a glance
Yes, dogs can safely eat salmon.
Most dogs love salmon and are happy about the healthy and tasty variety in the bowl.
After removing the bones, you can feed the entire fish to your dog.
Always make sure that it is of excellent quality and that the fish is really fresh.
Wild salmon is the healthiest choice for your dog!
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