Can dogs eat rusks? A pro clears it up! (Counselor)

Rusks are considered by us humans to be a panacea for stomach and intestinal problems. But what about dogs?

Can dogs eat rusks? And if so, how often and how much? We answer these and other questions in the following guide.

We will also show you possible side effects of rusks for dogs and alternatives.

Is it safe for dogs to eat rusks and what do I need to know about rusks?

Can dogs eat rusks? Yes, it is safe for your dog to eat rusks in healthy amounts.

Of course, the rusk should not contain any sugar or flavorings.

Sugar in particular can quickly affect weight. The dog becomes overweight, which can result in diabetes and other diseases.

In general, however, rusks are not a nutritious treat for dogs. Because it contains nothing that a dog really needs.

The best rusk for dogs is said to be spelled rusk. It contains grain that does not burden the dog’s intestines. In addition, it is sugar-free.

There are now special rusks for dogs. It’s the safest option if you want to give your dog rusks.

Because rusk from the trade can contain the following things in addition to sugar:

  • leavening agent
  • Palm oil
  • Salt

None of these ingredients are healthy for dogs in the long term. Only salt in the right amount can be good and important for the fur nose.

Already knew?

How much rusks your dog can eat depends on his weight. In general, rusks should only make up a very small part of your diet, around 10%.

Is rusk an easy fix for dog diarrhea?

Rusks can be a first and simple solution against diarrhea in dogs be. Because the twice-dried bread can bind liquid in the intestine.

This will make the stool harder again. The dog also does not suffer from possible dehydration.

Rusks can also be a home remedy for vomiting. It calms the stomach and binds toxins.

Can dogs eat rusks if they have diarrhea? So the answer is “yes”.

Does your dog have gastrointestinal problems? Then rusks should be administered exclusively in dry form.

It should not be mixed with water or milk. Incidentally, this also applies if rusks are supposed to be a treat.

Whether you have diarrhea or not, rusks should not be an integral part of your dog’s diet. Because it is grain, and in large quantities it is not good for the dog.

In fact, rusks can contribute to a food allergy. The intestinal flora also gets out of balance with a long dose.

This can result in more diarrhea and other digestive problems.

What alternatives are there to rusks as treats for dogs?

If you want rusks to be a treat for your dog, you can too to apples or grab carrots.

They are considered healthy for dogs. There is usually no risk of allergies. Instead, both apples and carrots have a positive effect on the stomach and intestines.

Furthermore, the following fruits and vegetables are good for your furry friend:

They contain a lot of healthy minerals and vitamins. These include vitamins A, C and D as well as folic acid, calcium, magnesium and zinc.

Low-fat meat can also be a good alternative to rusks. Turkey or chicken is also possible, as is fish.

However, you should make sure that your dog does not have a disease that is negatively influenced by the types of meat.

In addition, there are now many healthy dog ​​treats. They are free from artificial additives and sugar.

Likewise, some types of rusk are better for dogs than commercial treats. The latter are usually as unhealthy as chips and chocolate for us humans.

Can I give my puppy rusks?

Finely chopped, you can also give your puppy rusks.

It is important that the hard pieces are not too big. This can have a negative effect on the baby’s milk teeth.

Sugar, which can be found in rusks, can also damage teeth. This applies not only to puppies, but also to adult dogs.

The quantities should not be too large either. After all, puppies are not only small, but also weigh significantly less than adult dogs.

Rusks can also mess up the puppy’s diet. It is more important that the little brat gets all the nutrients it needs.

Instead, you should resort to a healthier alternative for your pup.

Can dogs eat rusks? What do you think about this question? We look forward to your answers and tips in our comments.