You are just biting into a raisin bun with relish. You can’t look that fast, your dog is already sitting in front of you begging.
You’re wondering, «Can dogs eat raisins?»
Frighteningly, raisins can be so toxic to your loved one that they can die from them.
In a nutshell: Can my dog eat raisins?
No, your dog must not eat raisins, they are highly toxic to him. Even a small amount can cause kidney failure, which can be fatal to dogs. That’s why raisins should never end up in the dog’s bowl.
If your dog has eaten raisins, you should take him to the vet immediately to prevent impending kidney failure. The same goes for sultanas and grapes.
Danger to life: This is why raisins are highly toxic for your dog
Raisins are dried grapes. Both forms of the fruit are poisonous to dogs.
In the worst case, the kidneys fail. Consequently, your dog can die from eating raisins and grapes.
Dogs do not tolerate the fruit. It contains harmful substances that are harmful to his organism. It is still not possible to say exactly which substances these are.
Reading tip: Be sure to read our article on Can Dogs Eat Dates?
Unbelievable but true: Not all dogs are poisonous to raisins
A few years ago, the UK Veterinary Poisons Center in London conducted a study involving 169 dogs. The dogs were fed up to 2 kg of raisins, grapes and sultanas.
Of the 169 dogs, 13 died and 4 had to be euthanized. 101 dogs had no symptoms.
51 of the dogs had displayed symptoms of grape poisoning and were treated.
Now the question arises: What would have happened to the 51 dogs if they had not been treated afterwards? There is a high probability that they too would have died. From this it can be concluded that the mortality rate is around 50 percent.
Good to know:
According to the study, the mortality rate for raisin poisoning is around 50 percent. So it cannot be ruled out that your dog can die from poisoning. In any case, you should take your dog to the vet immediately!
From what quantity are raisins dangerous for my dog?
According to an American study, a quantity of around 20 grams of grapes per kilogram of body weight can trigger kidney failure in dogs.
In some reports it can be read that even a small amount of 10 grams can lead to poisoning.
And now for some more bad news: As you know, raisins are dried grapes. Due to the drying process, they weigh a lot less.
As little as 3 grams of raisins per kilogram of body weight can lead to raisin poisoning.
The amount is really small and the risk of poisoning is therefore high. This means that eating just a few raisins can seriously poison your dog!
Raisin poisoning symptoms
These are signs your dog has raisin poisoning:
- nausea, vomiting
- diarrhea, abdominal pain
- lack of appetite
- Increased / no urination (varies)
- Kidney failure (leads to death if left untreated)
My dog ate raisins – what to do?
If your dog has accidentally eaten raisins, you should take him to the vet immediately. The sooner you get to the vet, the better it is. He will make your fur nose vomit.
He is then given medicinal activated charcoal. This binds the toxins in the body and ensures that they are eliminated. In addition, your dog will receive a medical infusion. In most cases, he will need to stay at the veterinarian until his blood work improves.
The chance of a dog surviving raisin poisoning depends on several factors. This includes not only the amount of raisins ingested, but also the time from ingestion to treatment.
Conclusion: Can dogs eat raisins?
No, your dog must not eat raisins! Even a small amount can be fatal to dogs. Although some four-legged friends do not show any symptoms and tolerate raisins well, it is still impossible to predict how the organism will react to them.
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