If you like to give your four-legged friend some of your food, you’re probably wondering if you can give him some of your potatoes. In this article you will find out whether your dog is healthy and what you should always pay attention to.
In a nutshell: Can my dog eat potatoes?
Yes, you can feed your dog potatoes, but only boiled ones! Raw potatoes contain solanine under the skin, which is toxic to your dog in high amounts.
You should also make sure that potatoes have a high starch content and can make you fat. Now and then your four-legged friend can eat a small amount of potatoes.
Why raw potatoes are toxic to your dog
Potatoes are part of the nightshade family. They contain a lot of solanine. This substance is toxic to humans and dogs. You should never feed them. The same goes for potato skins. Possible symptoms of poisoning are vomiting, irritation of the mucous membrane and diarrhea.
However, this only applies to raw potatoes. So make sure you don’t drop a piece of raw potato while you’re preparing it in the kitchen. This will prevent your dog from “stealing” the piece and eating it.
If you barf your dog and feed all components raw, you should still not give your dog raw potatoes.
If your fur nose has eaten raw potatoes, it is advisable to contact the vet directly. Activated charcoal tablets can help to bind and excrete the poison. But you need an individual amount of tablets depending on your dog’s weight.
You can feed boiled potatoes without hesitation. They are healthy and most four-legged friends like the soft consistency.
Don’t get distracted by peeling raw potatoes. There is a risk that your dog will grab a piece and develop symptoms of poisoning.
Reading tip: You can’t miss finding out if dogs can eat sweet potatoes! Click here to read our exciting article on Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes.
That’s why potatoes are healthy for your dog
Many dogs cannot tolerate grains such as rye or wheat. It is not uncommon for allergies and intolerances to result.
The potato is the ideal source of carbohydrates. Compared to grain, it does not trigger allergies and is therefore ideal for an elimination diet. In addition, they are gluten-free.
Potatoes are very healthy and also keep four-legged friends full for a while. At the same time, they contain significantly fewer calories than grain and contain hardly any fat.
In contrast to products containing grain, the potato consists of up to 80 percent water. The starch content varies depending on the variety. Floury ones contain up to 18 percent, waxy ones only up to 12 percent starch.
The rest is proteins and vitamins. Potatoes contain vitamin C and some of the B vitamins. They contain minerals such as folic acid, phosphate, potassium and magnesium.
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This is how you feed your four-legged friend potatoes correctly
Peel the potatoes and thoroughly remove any green spots. Don’t let your dog eat the potato skins. They contain a large amount of solanine.
Wash them thoroughly and then put them in the pot.
Then boil them in unsalted water until they are done. You can cut the potatoes into small pieces beforehand so that they are done faster.
Drain off the cooking water. But don’t give it to your dog. The reason is that the solanine it contains is water-soluble and can come off the potatoes during cooking. In addition, it is heat-stable and only deteriorates at high temperatures of around 240° C.
Once the potatoes are lukewarm, you can feed them. Cut them into small pieces or shred them with a fork.
By the way, it is advisable to give preference to large potatoes. In percentage terms, these have significantly less solanine.
How many potatoes can my dog eat?
As with anything, quantity matters. Age, weight, activity, exercise and tolerance also play a role. It is also important to consider the state of health of your four-legged friend.
If your dog is already on dog food that contains potatoes, you don’t need to feed any more.
Although potatoes provide a lot of vitamins, it is not recommended to use them exclusively as a main food. A varied diet is also important for four-legged friends.
You can feed your dog about 10-20 grams of potatoes daily.
However, discuss with your trusted veterinarian whether this is okay and weigh up whether your furry friend tolerates potatoes at all.
Is it allowed to feed mashed potatoes?
Mashed potatoes are great for dogs that have lost their teeth or aren’t good at chewing.
It is also good when your dog is dealing with vomiting or stomach and intestinal problems. In this case, mashed potatoes can help your four-legged friend regain strength due to the carbohydrates.
At the same time, the potato provides him with essential vitamins and minerals. Potatoes have the advantage over other foods that they are easily digestible. Accordingly, pureed potatoes are wonderfully suitable as a light food.
If your dog prefers a creamy texture, you can add some cottage cheese or butter and blend well.
Your furry friend can eat the delicious mashed potatoes about one to three times a week.
But be guided by the level of activity and movement of your dog. If he is rather quiet and less active, it is better to limit the dose to once a week due to the high carbohydrate content.
My dog loves mashed potatoes and can’t get enough of them.
Conclusion: Why your four-legged friend can only eat boiled potatoes
Your furry friend should never eat raw potatoes. The substance solanine it contains is toxic to him.
Boiled potatoes are a great substitute for grains for your dog. The carbohydrates are healthy and easy to digest.
However, do not feed too much as a high amount can make you fat due to the starch content. This is especially true for less active fur noses.
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