Dogs are allowed on some meadow orchards. The prerequisite is that the dog legacies are removed.
If your darling takes a break after romping around and suddenly eats fruit off the floor, it can be dangerous.
«Can dogs eat plums?»
For this reason, it is important to know whether your four-legged friend is allowed to eat plums and what you should consider.
In a nutshell: Can my dog eat plums?
Yes, your dog can eat plums in small amounts. If your four-legged friend eats too many plums, it can lead to diarrhea. Dogs usually like to eat the sweet fruit.
Always make sure to remove the core of the plum. Eating the plum stone can lead to life-threatening intestinal obstruction or intestinal injury. In addition, poisonous hydrocyanic acid is released when the core is bitten.
Plums are also healthy for dogs
Plums are rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
This includes:
- Vitamin A
- B vitamins
- vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- vitamin E
- potassium
- calcium
- magnesium
- chloride
- phosphorus
- sulfur
These nutrients have a positive effect on the health of your fur nose. While the vitamins strengthen your immune system, some minerals strengthen your muscles.
Plums have a digestive effect. Therefore, they are the ideal natural remedy for constipation. However, you should never let your fur nose eat plums from an orchard. This is very dangerous, especially for small dogs. You will find out why in the next paragraph.
Reading tip: You want to know if dogs can eat olives? Then you should definitely read our article on “Can dogs eat olives?”.
The Poison is in the Middle: Toxic Plum Stones (Danger to Life)
If your dog accidentally eats the plum stones, it can be life-threatening.
If your fur nose chews the core, the toxic hydrocyanic acid is released. Hydrocyanic acid inhibits an essential enzyme that is responsible for cell respiration. This leads to a lack of oxygen in the cells. The bad thing here is that if you take too much hydrocyanic acid, your pet can choke internally, which ultimately leads to death.
The symptoms of hydrogen cyanide poisoning are:
- increased salivation
- difficulty breathing
- Vomit
- falling blood pressure
- cramps
- altered heart rate (they may be way too low or way too high)
- dilated pupils
If a large dog swallows the kernel whole, it can cause constipation if the amount is too large.
It’s a lot more dangerous with small dogs. The reason is that the core is large. As a result, he cannot be expelled. The result is a life-threatening intestinal obstruction.
If your best friend accidentally ate a seed or seeds, it’s important to seek immediate veterinary care. He will make your dog vomit. If that is no longer possible, only an operation can save him.
Attention danger!
Never feed your dog pitted plums! If you have plum trees in the garden or you walk near meadow orchards, you should always keep an eye on him. In the best case, you teach him that he must not eat anything off the ground.
You should pay attention to this when feeding plums
When buying plums, make sure they are of good quality. In the best case, they are unsprayed. If the fruits give slightly when pressed, they are ripe. It is important that you always pay attention to this because dogs do not tolerate unripe fruit. Otherwise he may get diarrhea and abdominal pain.
Remove the peel, it is difficult to digest and can ferment in the intestine. In addition, it is said to be responsible for the laxative effect.
Don’t overfeed, as prunes can quickly lead to diarrhea. If your four-legged friend suffers from constipation, it can be a little more.
By the way, your darling must not eat fermented plums. Alcohol poisoning can result. The kidneys are attacked, the kidney values rise accordingly and the heartbeat slows down. This leads to unconsciousness and in the worst case to death. The same applies in this case: go to the vet immediately!
As an alternative to fresh plums, you can feed dried plum pieces. However, they contain a lot of fructose. Therefore, you should only give your dog a small amount.
Fermented Prunes Are Toxic
Consuming fermented fruit can cause life-threatening alcohol poisoning in dogs!
Conclusion: Can dogs eat plums?
Yes, your dog can eat plums in small amounts. They contain many valuable nutrients. Only feed ripe plums and remove the pits because they contain toxic hydrocyanic acid and can lead to a life-threatening intestinal blockage.
Likewise, fermented plums are taboo because eating them can lead to alcohol poisoning in dogs.
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