Can dogs eat oranges? A pro clears it up!

You are about to peel an orange and within a few seconds your darling is standing next to you.

Now you’re wondering, «Can dogs eat oranges?»

Our dogs never feel full and always want some of our food. It is therefore important for you to know whether you can give your dog some of your orange.

Here you can find out!

In a nutshell: Can my dog ​​eat oranges?

Yes, your dog can eat oranges. Oranges, also called oranges, contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. However, you should only feed the fruit in moderation due to its acidity. In any case, it shouldn’t be more than one orange. If you have a small dog, it’s important that you adjust the amount accordingly and cut the schnitzel small so he doesn’t choke while eating.

Oranges are nutrient dense

Dogs are generally allowed to eat oranges.

Oranges contain numerous vitamins and minerals.

This includes:

  • Vitamin A
  • B vitamins
  • vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin k
  • magnesium
  • potassium
  • calcium

Not only the pulp is rich in nutrients. Oranges are surrounded by a white peel. This contains valuable secondary plant substances such as flavonoids and carotenoids.

Wondering if dogs can eat other citrus fruits too? Check out my articles on tangerines and lemons!

Reading tip: Don’t miss our latest recommendation – Can Dogs Eat Pomelo? Find out everything you need to know by reading our dedicated article!

Can feeding oranges have a negative effect on the dog?

If your dog reacts with hyperacidity when eating citrus fruits, you should not feed them oranges. It can cause gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea.

In addition to an upset stomach, there is a risk of a blockage in the digestive tract. This can be the case if your fur nose has eaten the orange peel.

It is important to know that dogs can choke when eating oranges. There is a particular risk if there are stones in the orange slices or the peel has not yet been completely removed.

The following applies to puppies: They are generally allowed to eat oranges, but they are more susceptible to gastrointestinal upsets. So be extra careful here.

Attention danger!

Oranges contain a lot of fructose. If your furry friend suffers from diabetes, you should not feed them oranges. Even a small amount can spike blood sugar levels.

You should pay attention to this when feeding oranges

Only feed your furry friend ripe oranges. Your best friend does not tolerate unripe fruit. Just like other fruits, unripe oranges contain toxins that, in extreme cases, can cause brain damage.

Don’t rely on the color of the orange. You can tell a ripe orange by its taste. If it tastes sweet, you can safely give it to your dog.

If your four-legged friend eats orange for the first time, you should watch him afterwards. This way you can make sure that he tolerates the fruit.

If you are unsure or if your dog is acting strangely after eating, you should consult a veterinarian. Some dogs are sensitive to the fruit acid, which can cause stomach irritation.

Can my dog ​​drink orange juice?

You think orange juice could be a nice refreshment for your furry friend? While the juice of the orange is natural, it contains a very high concentration of fructose, which is why it is not healthy for your dog. The same goes for other fruit juices.

Especially if your dog suffers from diseases such as diabetes, this can have a very negative effect on his health. Therefore, we recommend not giving your dog orange juice.

Can dogs eat the orange peel?

The opinions about it are divided. While some think that the orange peel is harmful to dogs, others consider it completely harmless to eat.

If you want to feed your dog the orange peels, you should pay attention to organic quality. Sprayed orange peels are questionable because they contain pesticides and other pollutants that have no place in your dog’s organism.

You should also make sure that the oranges have not undergone any wax treatment.

The orange peel contains flavonoids. However, orange peels can sometimes cause constipation. As a precaution, remove the shell to be sure.

Good to know:

Orange peels are not toxic if they are free from pesticides and pesticides. However, your dog should not get too much of the bowl. Otherwise he may get constipated afterwards.

Chop up the orange before feeding

Small dogs are particularly prone to choking while eating. Always cut or puree the orange slices to avoid a choking hazard. You should also remove any cores.

Conclusion: Can dogs eat oranges?

Yes, your dog can eat oranges. However, you should not feed them too much of it because oranges contain a lot of fruit acid. Too much can cause gastrointestinal problems.

If your fur nose has problems with acidosis, it is better if you use low-acid fruit.

If the orange peel is free of pesticides and other pollutants, your dog can eat it. However, to make sure that your fur nose does not get constipated, it is advisable to peel the orange.

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