Can dogs eat kohlrabi? A professional explains!

Would you like to know in what form kohlrabi, also called top kohlrabi, turnip, turnip, air kohlrabi, turnip or turnip cabbage, is allowed in the dog?

It’s great that you’re finding out and not just feeding your dog everything that’s in your fridge, because:

What we humans like to eat is not always digestible for dogs.

In this article, we explain whether dogs are allowed to eat kohlrabi.

In a nutshell: Can my dog ​​eat kohlrabi?

Yes, dogs can eat kohlrabi! You can even feed the tuber and leaves to your dog. The leaves contain the most nutrients! Kohlrabi is an easily digestible and harmless vegetable for dogs and also very healthy!

Kohlrabi is so healthy for dogs

There are many healthy nutrients in the top beet, which are good for dogs and humans alike.

The swede supports bone and dental health your dog thanks to fluoride, calcium and vitamin C.

The contained magnesium stimulates the cellular metabolism at, will for the protein synthesis requires and controls important nerve and muscle functions as well as the heart muscle.

Folic acid and vitamin B3 ensure that Extra energy boost in terms of metabolic processes.

Good to know:

While turnip greens are fairly healthy for dogs, you should only feed them occasionally. In this case, too much of a good thing can cause abdominal pain, bloating and other digestive problems.

So the swede is allowed in the dog

Boiled or steamed but definitely not raw!

Raw swedes quickly lead to unpleasant flatulence and other stomach problems.

You can feed the boiled kohlrabi to your dog from time to time. It doesn’t matter whether you mix it with the main meal or feed it as a treat between meals.

By the way, your dog can best utilize the numerous nutrients it contains when pureed!


When buying kohlrabi and other vegetables for your dog, always pay attention to organic quality! This is how you avoid toxic pesticides and other pollutants.

Reading tip: You may ask, can dogs eat asparagus? If you would like to learn more about this, I invite you to read our article on the topic “Can dogs eat asparagus?” with us.

Mouth open, leaves in?

The leaves of the kohlrabi are particularly rich in vitamins.

However, they are too harder to digest than the tuberwhich is why you should slowly approach an appropriate portion.

Give your dog a small one first Sample portion and see if he does well with kohlrabi and leaves. If so, there’s nothing wrong with throwing the chopped green part of the tuber into the bowl.

Other benefits of the turnip

Actually, the kohlrabi only has advantages for your dog (if you don’t overdo it with the frequency!).

Kohlrabi is rich in fiber and in addition low calorie.

Accordingly, the tuber and leaves are also suitable for dogs that tend to be overweight.

The minerals in the swede ensure a balanced acid-base balance.

Worth knowing about kohlrabi

It always makes sense to buy seasonal and regional fruit and vegetables. And what else?

Well organic, logical!

So when is kohlrabi actually in season?

The healthy outdoor kohlrabi is mainly available from June to September. Kohlrabi is available in Germany all year round.

How long does kohlrabi keep?

Fresh kohlrabi will keep in the fridge for about a week. Removing the leaves before storing will keep it fresh longer.

Disadvantages of kohlrabi in dog nutrition

Unfortunately, not every dog ​​tolerates the healthy cabbage, although kohlrabi is still the “harmless” turnip among the cabbage varieties.

In some dogs, feeding cabbage causes increased gas formation in the intestines. This not only smells unpleasant, but also causes your dog pain!

Stomach pain and nausea are not uncommon if the cabbage is simply fed indiscriminately.

Good to know:

Cabbage is only allowed in moderation, at best seasonal, regional, organically grown, boiled or steamed and pureed in the dog’s stomach!

Bladder stones don’t like kohlrabi

Your dog has had one before bladder stones?

The oxalic acid and purine contained in kohlrabi can have a counterproductive effect here. In this case, you should absolutely avoid feeding swedes!

Already knew:

Dalmatians are not allowed to eat kohlrabi! Due to a genetic defect, the spotted dogs cannot break down purine. In the worst case, this can lead to urinary stones and kidney problems. Kohlrabi is therefore not suitable for a low-purine diet.

Can dogs eat kohlrabi? How was that again?

Yes, dogs can eat kohlrabi! Gladly even.

Kohlrabi is full of vitamins and minerals that should not be missing in your dog’s diet.

You can do both tuber as well as that leaf green feed.

Please only feed the beet to your dog when it is boiled or steamed and pureed. This makes it easier to digest and your furry friend can also use the nutrients it contains.

Be sure to use organic quality so you don’t feed your dog pesticides and other pollutants.

Do you have any other questions about feeding kohlrabi? Then just write us a comment under this article.