Can dogs eat fries? We have the answer!

They are delicious and part of the obligatory menu, especially at festivals: the fries.

No wonder that our dogs are not averse to the deep-fried potato sticks.

But can dogs eat fries or are they harmful to your fur nose? You can find the complete answer in this article.

In a nutshell: Can dogs eat fries?

No, fries are not suitable for dogs.

Their high fat and salt content is and can be harmful to dogs serious health consequences such as obesity, digestive problems, diabetes, kidney disease and pancreatitis.

Why can’t dogs eat french fries?

In most cases, the fries are fried. They absorb a lot of fat.

Over the long term, very greasy food can lead to metabolic diseases in your dog, such as diabetes or fatty liver.

Greasy food can also pancreas and the kidneys affect the regulated entities.

But ready-made fries from the oven can also be harmful to your dog. Because they usually contain too much salt.

When they are done, add salt and, if necessary, other spices.

Every living being needs salt, but one does overdose it can be very harmful to your dog and lead to a salt poisoning to lead. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, tremors, or even seizures.

If the fries are heated too much, high values ​​​​of the carcinogenic substance acrylamide.


Dogs excrete salt along with water through their kidneys. If your dog is very young or ill, his body may not be able to break down the salt very well. This can cause additional damage to the kidneys.

Reading tip: Be sure to read our article on Can Dogs Eat Popcorn?

What to do if my dog ​​ate fries?

If your dog has ever stolen a fries, you usually don’t have to do anything and not be concerned immediately.

If he picked up a lot of salt from that one fries, you should give him provide sufficient water.

Because the increased salt level leads to one in your dog’s body increased need for fluids.

However, if your dog has eaten a lot of fries and therefore a lot of salt, you should feed him for a longer period of time observe well.

Give him the water regularly and only in small amounts. Because if he drinks too much, it can lead to a brain swelling come, which is dangerous.

If your dog vomits quickly after ingestion, he may be getting rid of the salt this way.

If he continues to behave normally, there is usually no cause for concern. You should still keep an eye on him and see your vet if you notice any abnormalities.

However, if you regularly give your dog fries or greasy food, you can use it endanger health in the long term.

Too much high-fat food is also unhealthy for dogs.

Obesity can be an outward sign of a serious illness in your dog. Because this can, among other things Joint problems and heart problems cause

If you want your dog to live a long life and stay healthy, you can support this with a healthy and species-appropriate diet.


Obesity can shorten your dog’s life by several years.

When to the vet?

If your dog has eaten a lot of fries, he may have eaten one salt poisoning has.

Symptoms of this are:

If you observe this in your dog, consult the vet immediately. Your dog’s electrolyte and sodium levels will then be out of balance.

Salt poisoning can leave your dog in a coma or die.

The vet will examine your dog and try to hydrate theirs with a gentle supply of fluids Electrolyte and water levels back into balance bring to.


The fries themselves are not toxic to your dog. And if your dog has stolen a fries or two, it is usually not dangerous for him.

However can Salt and fat cause problemsif your dog eats too much of it.

Started from indigestioncan also serious illnesses be the result

Sick dogs and puppies in particular should therefore not eat fries, as salt poisoning can quickly occur.

If your dog has eaten a lot of fries, you should watch him closely for the symptoms of salt poisoning and, if in doubt, consult the vet immediately.

Has your dog ever had salt poisoning? How quickly did he recover? Let me know in the comments.