You like to cook international dishes and now you have a Japanese recipe with edamame in front of you.
Since the soybeans are delicious and healthy, you might be wondering if your furry friend would like them too.
But can dogs eat edamame or are they harmful? You will get the surprising answer here.
In a nutshell: Can dogs eat edamame?
Yes, dogs can eat edamame. The green beans are not harmful to the four-legged friends. On the contrary, they are rRich in proteins, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and fiberwhich can be very good for dogs.
However, you should not overdo it with feeding. In addition, dogs are only allowed to eat edamame without salt or other spices.
Is Edamame Healthy for Dogs?
If you edamame unseasoned feed it to your dog, the beans are healthy. However, you should only give them to your dog in moderation and not in bulk.
On the one hand, dogs can have an allergic reaction to soy, and on the other hand, the beans contain a lot of protein, which the body may not be able to break down properly.
Proteins are important for the immune system and metabolism. However, if the dog consumes too much protein, it can impair its digestion.
The result can be vomiting, diarrhea or seizures. Very foul-smelling stool is a first sign of an oversupply of protein.
Over the long term, excess protein can also damage your dog’s organs.
Reading tip: Can dogs eat lentils? Find out everything about the tolerance of lentils for dogs in our current article «Can dogs eat lentils?». Take a moment and read more about it with us!
How should I feed edamame to my dog?
To determine if your dog can tolerate edamame, start by giving him just a little bit.
You can the edamame Sprinkle raw over the feed or cook beforehand. If you just want to steam the beans for your meal, you can offer them steamed to a dog.
You can also mix the beans into your dog’s food as puree – both raw and cooked.
Especially in warmer temperatures, giving your dog frozen edamame to eat would also be an option. The treat also has a cooling effect.
In any case, the beans should be unseasoned. You should not feed your dog already seasoned and dried edamame.
Edamame is best digested by your dog when it is cooked.
don’t forget vremove the pod sleeve before feedingas your dog finds it very difficult to digest them and could also choke on them.
For small dog breeds, the sleeves can also zu severe constipation to lead.
If you don’t always want to peel the edamame, you can buy it already peeled.
Good to know
Edamame can provide your dog with important nutrients. However, in many cases they also lead to flatulence and other indigestion.
Reading tip: You want to know if dogs can eat beans? In our informative article «Can dogs eat beans?» you will find out everything about the tolerance of different types of beans for your four-legged friend.
Can dogs have an allergic reaction to edamame?
Healthy dogs are allowed to eat edamame if they do not suffer from an allergy or digestive disorder.
However, some dogs are allergic to soy protein. Has your dog already had one Soy intolerance As a result, you shouldn’t feed him edamame.
A common sign of a food allergy is scratching and licking. Affected dogs may also lose their fur in some places.
Even if your dog has one sensitive gastrointestinal tract and causes indigestion and diarrhea tends, you better not give him edamame.
You should never give your dog ready-seasoned edamame snacks. These can overload it with too much salt or be too spicy.
Should dogs have edamame in their diet regularly?
If you have edamame at home to cook a dish with, you can try to see if your dog eats the beans, too.
Your dog will probably even enjoy eating the edamame.
Even if the green beans have many positive properties and dogs are allowed to eat edamame, you don’t necessarily have to integrate them into your furry friend’s diet.
A healthy diet is also possible without edamame.
If you want to feed your dog a balanced diet, you don’t necessarily have to use soybeans. Alternatively, you can also feed your furry friend other vegetables, such as carrots and broccoli.
You can also provide your dog with vitamins with the occasional dose of bananas.
Your dog can eat edamame if he doesn’t have a soy allergy. In small doses, legumes can even be very healthy.
As Snack or tasty addition to the feed the small beans are well suited. However, you should not overdo it with feeding.
But if your diet doesn’t include edamame, you don’t need to introduce it to your dog either. You can also provide your four-legged friend with a healthy diet with other foods.
You can feed the beans raw or cooked – but always unseasoned and without the pods.
What foods do you often wonder if your dog can eat? Tell us in the comments.