Can dogs eat corn? A dog professional explains!

Corn is known for its healthy nutrients. Accordingly, many commercial dog foods contain corn as one of the main ingredients. But how healthy is corn for your dog? And how much of it can he eat?

In a nutshell: Can my dog ​​eat corn?

Yes, you can give your dog some of the yellow corn kernels on a regular basis. Corn contains many minerals, especially potassium and magnesium. It also contains a large amount of vitamins such as vitamins A, B, C and E. The many fibers support your dog’s digestion, which also suggests that the grains should always be on his menu.

Is Corn Healthy For Dogs?

Corn is very healthy for your dog because it contains important nutrients. The sweet taste comes about because the grain contains carbohydrates in the form of fructose and sucrose.

Corn provides your four-legged friend with vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc and phosphorus. Furthermore, corn contains valuable linoleic acid. This is an unsaturated fatty acid that can have health-promoting properties for the skin and fur of your four-legged friend.

They also ensure good digestion thanks to the large amount of dietary fiber. This allows you to feed them to your dog if he has frequent problems with stomach pain or diarrhea.

It is also interesting that the grains are gluten-free, although corn is a grain.

If your dog cannot tolerate «normal» grain, the situation may be different with corn.

Although corn is very healthy, it is still suspected of being able to trigger allergies.

If you think your loved one is suffering from a serotonin deficiency, you shouldn’t give them corn.

The reason for this is that eating corn can cause tryptophan inhibition, which results in a lack of serotonin.

If your fur nose is overweight and overweight, you should only feed it a minimal amount of corn. The grains are very high in carbohydrates, which can make it difficult to lose weight. You can give an active dog a slightly larger portion of corn kernels.

If your dog is healthy (have it checked by the vet just to be on the safe side), there is nothing wrong with having corn on the menu from time to time.

Reading tip: You want to know if dogs can eat popcorn? Find out everything you need to know about «Can dogs eat popcorn?» in our article. Read it now to enable your beloved four-legged friend to choose the right treat!

How to feed corn properly

Before you give your dog corn, there are a few important things to consider. Because not all corn is suitable for dogs.

Can my dog ​​eat raw corn?

Under no circumstances should you allow your four-legged friend to grab a corn cob from the field and eat it.

There is a risk that it is contaminated or infested with mold.

If you catch your dog eating corn on the cob, watch him carefully. If you have symptoms such as shortness of breath, vomiting, stomach cramps, salivation or signs of paralysis, you should take him to the vet immediately.

If you grow corn in your own garden, which is natural and untreated, your four-legged friend can nibble on it. Then the corn is not poisonous to him.

Your fur nose can eat raw corn with the cob, but doesn’t use it as well as steamed corn. It is therefore advisable not to feed too much of it.

Is canned corn allowed for dogs?

You can feed your darling canned corn without hesitation, but don’t overdo it, because too much corn can lead to obesity due to the starch it contains.

It is generally advisable to puree corn first so that your dog can better absorb the remaining ingredients.

If he eats the whole grains, they come out at the back undigested. I can confirm that from my own experience.

In addition, your fur nose cannot benefit from the nutrients because the shell cannot split open in the stomach.

You can add some beef broth over the mashed corn for even better flavor.

Your dog can also eat steamed corn.

If at all, you should only feed your cat unsalted and unsweetened popcorn. Since the hard grains are very dangerous, especially for small dogs and can lead to a choking hazard, it is better not to give them any.

Conclusion: Can your dog eat corn?

Yes, your dog can eat corn, but he should not steal it from the field because of the risk of mold and other toxic additives such as insecticides and pesticides.

Unsprayed homegrown or canned corn is considered healthy for dogs. For better absorption of the nutrients, you should puree the grains before feeding.

However, do not overdo it with the portion, as corn can lead to obesity due to the high starch content.

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