Can dogs eat chicken? A pro clears it up!

Feeding your dog chicken sounds plausible and species-appropriate. After all, the little flappers absolutely belong in the prey scheme of our carnivores.

But can dogs eat chicken without hesitation?

That the Processing of raw meat with special caution comes along, you probably already know. Why is that and what you do with the Feeding chicken meat you should pay attention to, you will find out in this article.

In a nutshell: Can my dog ​​eat chicken?

Yes, dogs can eat chicken! However, raw chicken meat can contain bacteria such as salmonella, camylobacter or ESBL (extended spectrum beta-lactamase) bacteria, which can make your dog uncomfortable. Cooked chicken is less dangerous and tastes just as good for your dog.

Is chicken meat dangerous for dogs?

No, in principle chicken meat is not dangerous for dogs.

One Danger however, is hidden in the incorrect storage and processing of delicate flesh. So you absolutely have to go to one uninterrupted cold chain respect and may only fresh meat feed.

Surfaces and bowls should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after contact with raw chicken meat!

Attention danger!

Raw chicken bones can also be dangerous for your dog. Since chicken bones are filled with air, they splinter very easily and can seriously injure your dog. Accordingly, the bones of the chicken are not for your dog but for the organic waste throat!

Reading tip: Be sure to read our article on Can Dogs Eat Eggs?

How can I feed my dog ​​chicken?

For safe handling of raw chicken, you should observe the following feeding instructions:

  • only feed fresh meat
  • at best you buy organic chicken
  • hold the cold chain conscientious one

If you’re cooking the chicken for your dog, you’ll need to remove the bones first, as cooking will soften them and cause them to splinter even more easily.

You are welcome to feed your dog chicken every day.

However, a varied diet consists of different animal proteins and vegetable components in the form of fruit and vegetables.

Chicken breast, neck, leg – which parts are suitable?

All parts of the chicken are suitable for your dog’s diet.

While chicken breast and drumsticks are mainly used for human consumption, the dog food industry also uses them back, collars, innards, necks and feet processed.


Chicken necks and chicken feet are particularly popular as dried chews. You can find them in any well stocked bird feeder. Always make sure to buy natural chews.

Can dogs eat fried chicken?

yes they may However, important nutrients are lost during frying.

If you want to offer your dog some variety in the form of fried chicken, you should definitely throw it in the pan without seasoning!

If your dog enjoys it, you can also occasionally give him fried chicken, although raw or cooked meat works better.

Raw chicken meat as a light diet?

Have you often read about chicken and rice as a bland diet for dogs?

It’s actually a good combination. However, you should In this case, the chicken must be boiledso as not to further challenge your dog’s stomach.


If your dog suffers from digestive problems, cooked chicken, beef broth, rice and grated carrots are the perfect combination for a stomach-friendly canine meal.

Characteristics of chicken meat

chicken is rich in protein and extremely low in fatwhat it also called Diet food for dogs makes interesting.

Plus, it delivers in abundance magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron as well as B vitamins and Polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The Chicken offal contains crude protein and crude fatwhich strengthen your dog’s immune system.

Dog & chicken at a glance:

If you follow the hygiene regulations when handling raw meat, you can feed your dog chicken without hesitation.

Because chicken very low fat is, it is ideal as bland and diet food.

You must not feed chicken bones, as they splinter very quickly and can cause serious internal injuries to your dog!

Are you unsure or do you still have questions about raw chicken meat for your dog? Then just write us what you want to know under this article!