Mmmm delicious cheese. Your dog loves it too!
But wait a minute, can dogs eat cheese?
The answer is: yes, your dog can eat cheese in moderation.
However, there are a few things to consider when choosing cheese type and frequency.
In this article you will find out which cheese your four-legged friend tolerates well and what you should better keep your hands off.
In a nutshell: Can my dog eat cheese?
Yes, dogs can eat cheese! It is important that you choose a type of cheese that contains little lactose and salt. Otherwise, feeding cheese can cause indigestion and discomfort.
What happens when dogs eat cheese?
Cheese is generally not harmful to dogs.
Many varieties are well tolerated by dogs.
In large quantities, however, your four-legged friend’s digestive tract can be sensitive to lactose.
This can lead to abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea.
Reading tip: You may wonder if dogs are allowed to eat butter. Find out more in our article on «Can dogs eat butter?» and read it with us now!
How much cheese can my dog eat?
Cheese doesn’t belong in the bowl every day!
In general, cheese is not a main meal for your dog.
You can give your dog cheese as a treat or special training snacks on an irregular basis.
He will surely adore you for it!
Benefits of cheese for the dog
In contrast to milk, dairy products usually contain less lactose.
If you pay attention to a low lactose content in cheese, occasionally feeding cheese can have advantages for your dog:
- Cheese provides many essential amino acids
- it is a good source of protein
- contains minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium
You want to know more about it? Look here:
Positive properties of cheese for the dog’s oral flora
We humans know that cheese is good for tooth enamel and can reduce tooth decay.
Cheese has an equally positive effect on the dog’s mouth.
It has even been scientifically proven that cheese can support the health of the oral flora.
You can read more about this and which other cheese treats are available here:
How it works?
- The cheese neutralizes bacteria in the mouth and thus protects against plaque.
- Chewing on hard cheese cleans teeth and can loosen tartar.
These cheeses are best for dogs
You can eat these types of cheese without hesitation (but in moderation!) feed to your dog:
- goat cheese
- harzer cheese
- Gouda cheese
- Leerdammer
- Maasdam
- butter cheese
Dogs should not eat this cheese
Cooking cheese, processed cheese and spreadable cheese Sodium phosphate is added during processing to keep the cheese together.
Since it is unnatural sodium phosphate, the dog cannot metabolize it.
Nasty blue mold – your dog should rather keep its paws away from that
A mold called Penicillium Roqueforti is added to blue cheese during production.
This mold not only causes discomfort in some people!
During the maturing process, metabolic degradation products such as roquefortin C in cheese are formed.
This breakdown product is toxic to dogs!
Cheese as a treat?
Yes gladly!
Although cheese is not suitable for regular feeding, it is a welcome treat.
Especially in training, you can give your dog cheese as a very special motivation and reward.
Reading tip: You want to know if dogs can eat pizza? Find out everything about «Can dogs eat pizza?» in our article and let us surprise you! Click here to read more about it.
Hard or soft cheese, that is the question
Definitely hard cheese!
Due to its long maturing process, it contains little or no lactose at all.
This makes it easier for the dog’s stomach to digest and does not cause any symptoms.
Some hard cheeses, such as Parmesan and old Gouda have a high salt content. In the worst case, this can lead to salt poisoning.
Instead, opt for a cheese that is less salty.
Your dog will love these hard cheeses
- Appenzeller
- Cheddar
- Parmesan
- Emmental
- Grana Padano
And why no soft cheese?
Soft cheese contains significantly more lactose than hard cheese.
Nevertheless, you can also give your dog a piece of Brie or Camembert to snack on from time to time.
try carefully whether your dog tolerates soft cheese. Better give him a little bit first and wait 24 hours to see if he’s okay with it.
How about cream cheese for the dog buddy?
Since many dogs develop a problem with the tolerance of lactose over the course of their lives and cream cheese contains a lot of it, you should avoid it altogether.
However, there are some great alternatives.
Alternatives to cream cheese for your dog
These dairy products contain little to no lactose:
Can I give my dog a piece of cheese rind?
Please do not!
The cheese rind is usually washed with salt water and brushed.
This can be very uncomfortable for the dog’s stomach.
Can puppies snack on cheese?
Puppies are allowed to eat cheese in the same way as adult dogs.
The dog children often tolerate lactose even better than their older representatives.
Attention danger of poisoning!
When feeding your puppy, you should always play it safe. Watch closely how your little friend is doing with the cheese snack.
Can dogs eat goat cheese?
Yes, dogs can eat goat cheese. In contrast to cow’s milk cheese, it contains no lactose and is therefore harmless.
Nevertheless, the following also applies here: Goat cheese has a high fat content. Too much fat damages the pancreas and can cause serious problems.
Can dogs eat Harz cheese?
Yes, Harz cheese is a good treat for your dog due to its low fat content of 0.1%.
In addition, Harz cheese is said to have a special property:
Dog eats feces – can Harz cheese help?
This myth persists in the dog forums of the world wide web.
But what is the truth behind the claim that Harz cheese helps against feces eating?
The effect of this has not been proven.
However, some dog people have noticed a positive change after taking Harzer Roller.
The rule here is: the proof of the pudding is in the eating!
Can Dogs Eat Babybel?
Oh my godness! Wasn’t that ball wrapped in red just lying on the table?
Oops, it’s already gone in the dog. Velvet bowl?!
No panic!
The packaging is made of colored paraffin and is harmless to your dog.
Nevertheless, the cheese ball belongs in the dog unpackaged, if at all.
Like right now? Can dogs eat cheese or not?
Yes, dogs can eat cheese, but feeding your dog cheese is not essential for survival.
For dogs, cheese is like chocolate for us humans and you should treat the treat in the same way.
A little bit of the right kind of cheese every once in a while is okay.
Since some dogs suffer from lactose intolerance, always pay attention to the fat and lactose content in the cheese.
With hard cheese you are on the safe side.
If you are unsure or have any questions, just write us a comment under this article.