Can dogs eat carrots? A professional explains!

Carrots contain numerous vitamins and are very healthy for us humans. But what about our dogs? Can you eat carrots too? And if so, what should you pay attention to?

Short and sweet: Can dogs eat carrots?

Yes, your dog can eat carrots. Biting on the hard vegetables is the perfect alternative to the often chemical dental care sticks.

Carrots contain many valuable vitamins from which your four-legged friend benefits. However, the only way your dog can get the best possible health benefits from them is if you mash or boil the carrots.

Moro’s carrot soup has proven to be a natural remedy, especially for gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea.

That’s why carrots are healthy for your four-legged friend

Some dogs are crazy about carrots and would like to eat kilos of this vegetable. If your darling likes carrots, you can give them to him with a clear conscience.

Yellow carrots contain vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, beta-carotene, and the minerals calcium, niacin, phosphorus, and magnesium. They are also rich in lutein and lycopene.

These have a proven positive effect on the eyes and can protect against free radicals.

Vitamin A

Carrots are rich in vitamin A, which supports eye health and the immune system. It also has positive effects on the skin and coat.

However, you should be careful when feeding your dog store-bought food, as vitamin A is often added to it.

If your dog gets too much of this vitamin, it can be dangerous. Fat-soluble vitamins are not excreted in the urine. They settle in the body.

The same applies if you feed your dog raw meat. Additives like cod liver oil also contain a lot of vitamin A, so it’s important to keep track of the amount.


Beta-carotene is a colored pigment that gives carrots their orange color. It converts to vitamin A in the body. It is said to offer similar benefits for eye health as vitamin A. Accordingly, beta-carotene is also responsible for good vision. Above all, it has a positive effect on night vision.

The antioxidant protects the cells from free radicals. It can also help prevent infections and diseases such as cancer. It also plays a role in bone health, cartilage and teeth.


Carrots contain a lot of fiber. These can help improve your dog’s digestion. In addition, carrots are the number one home remedy when it comes to treating a dog’s diarrhea as quickly as possible.

Low in fat and calories

Due to the fact that this crunchy vegetable is low in calories, your dog can eat it even if he needs to lose some weight. 100 g of carrots contain only 33 kilocalories.

This makes yellow turnips the ideal snack for in between.

Reading tip: You can’t miss finding out if dogs can eat sweet potatoes! Find out all about it in our article on Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes – click here to read!

Raw or cooked carrots – You should prefer this variant

Your dog can eat both raw and cooked carrots.


Buy organic carrots whenever possible. So you can be sure that they are as free as possible from pesticides and herbicides such as glyphosate. If you buy conventional carrots, be sure to rinse them well before feeding. Baking soda in the water can also help remove the synthetic residue.

raw carrots

You can give raw carrots whole or chopped up. Another option is to grate them and mix them in with the food. Leave the peel on as it contains the most vitamins.

If you always peel the carrots for your salad, you won’t have to put them in the organic waste in the future. Keep the peels and use them to cook your darling a tasty carrot puree.

The easiest option is to give the carrot in one piece. If you have a small dog, you’d better break them up a bit or give them slices. This way you can avoid the risk of suffocation.

Note that raw carrots are not as digestible for a dog. For this reason, it may be beneficial if you cook them. Then he can benefit as much as possible from the nutrients and vitamins contained.


I recommend that you make sure that your dog does not eat the carrots on a carpet. The juice from the carrots can cause stains that are difficult to get out.

Boiled carrots

Another option is to boil the carrots. Cook or steam over low heat to retain most of the nutrients and vitamins.

You can also oil them a little (in one piece or sliced ​​pieces) and bake them in the oven. Your dog is sure to love the golden brown carrots.

carrot juice

You can buy ready-made carrot juice in stores. Your dog could theoretically drink this, but he wouldn’t get any benefit from it.

The reason is that juicing removes the pulp. And this is exactly where the vitamin-rich carrot fibers are located.

However, if your dog also likes to drink carrot juice, it is advisable to juice the carrots yourself and then add some of the fibers.

Good to know:

Don’t feed your dog too many cooked carrots. The reason is that they contain more sugar when cooked than in the raw form. Even if this is natural sugar, you should not overdo it with the amount.

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Conclusion: Can your dog eat carrots?

Carrots are a tasty addition to your dog. You can give them to him every day and offer him a healthy and nutritious alternative to the treats in stores.

Dogs are allowed to eat this vegetable in raw and cooked form. Make sure you feed them to your pet in moderation, however, as a varied diet is important for dogs too.

Small dogs and puppies can choke on carrots. Therefore, make sure to give small slices. You can also buy baby carrots, these are much smaller and therefore more suitable.

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