The beetroot is rich in vitamins and minerals and is low in calories due to the high water content. It is digestive and has been used as a natural remedy for anemia for hundreds of years.
Due to the numerous positive properties, you are certainly asking yourself whether your dog can also benefit from it. But can dogs eat beetroot? Or is it even dangerous because of the oxalic acid it contains?
In a nutshell: Can my dog eat beetroot?
Yes, your dog can eat beetroot in small amounts as long as they don’t have kidney disease or bladder stone problems. The reason is the oxalic acid contained in the beetroot, which is generally considered harmless in healthy dogs.
Your dog can eat raw and cooked beetroot.
Note that your dog’s urine may turn red when consumed.
So healthy is the beetroot for dogs
Beets contain many nutrients such as vitamins A, B, C, E, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphate, folic acid and iron.
Occasional consumption can promote the health of your fur nose. The beetroot is said to strengthen the immune system, have a positive effect on the skin and coat and have digestive properties.
Beetroot consists of 90% water and is therefore low in calories.
The vegetable is ideal for overweight dogs.
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Can dogs eat raw or cooked beetroot?
You can feed your dog raw or cooked beetroot as you wish.
If you feed them raw, it is advisable to puree them so that your four-legged friend can absorb the nutrients better.
Small grating with a kitchen grater is also possible. It is best to put on household gloves beforehand so that your hands are not discolored by the red dye betanine afterwards.
The same applies if you cook the beets and peel them beforehand.
Pickled beetroot
You should not feed them commercially pickled beetroot because the nitrate content is too high and not healthy for dogs. Canned goods are also not suitable.
Don’t overdo it with the amount, because the tuber can quickly have a laxative effect if the portion is too large.
Dried beetroot for dogs
As an alternative, you can buy beetroot flakes from specialist retailers. You can mix the dried flakes into your dog’s food.
You can juice the beets and add them to your dog’s water bowl as a welcome change.
Oxalic acid overdose: You should pay attention to this when feeding beetroot
It is important that you only feed your furry friend small amounts. Too much can quickly lead to gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea. Therefore you should not feed the tuber as the only meal.
In addition, too much can lead to an oxalic acid overdose. This is considered harmful. While oxalic acid poisoning in dogs is rare, it requires veterinary treatment.
If your darling suffers from kidney problems, you should not feed them beetroot.
The reason is the oxalic acid it contains, which can lead to the formation of kidney or urinary stones. It’s best to discuss this with your veterinarian. If you are allowed to feed small amounts, you should always boil the tuber because this reduces the oxalic acid content.
It is also important to always combine other types of vegetables and thus ensure a varied diet.
If your four-legged friend eats beetroot for the first time, you should only give one piece at first. This is how you can find out if he tolerates them.
Do not be alarmed: red/purple urine
Don’t be alarmed if your dog’s urine turns red or purple after eating the tuber. This is oxalic acid. After a short time, the color of the urine will return to normal.
Conclusion: Can dogs eat beetroot?
Yes, your dog can eat beetroot, but they should only eat it if they don’t have kidney stones or bladder stones.
Due to the oxalic acid contained in beetroot, it is advisable to feed only small amounts.
Otherwise, the tuber is considered very healthy and contains numerous nutrients. Your four-legged friend can eat the tuber raw or cooked.
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