Can dogs eat apricots? Security and risks at a glance

Yes, dogs can eat apricots, but only the flesh and in moderation. It is important to pit the apricot as the pit is toxic to dogs and can cause health problems. Apricots contain many nutrients and vitamins that can also be healthy for dogs. However, you should be careful not to let your dog eat too many apricots as this can cause digestive problems. If a dog has eaten apricot kernels, you should consult a veterinarian immediately.

In this article, you will learn more about apricots, their nutrients and vitamins, possible risks and symptoms in dogs, the right amount of apricots for dogs, and alternatives to apricots.

1. What are apricots and why are they interesting for dogs?

Apricots are a fruit that belongs to the rose family. They are rich in nutrients and vitamins that can be beneficial for dogs' health. Apricots also contain antioxidants that may help boost dogs' immune systems and reduce the risk of illness. Additionally, apricots can be a good source of fiber, which can help aid digestion.

2. What nutrients and vitamins are contained in apricots?

Apricots are rich in Vitamin A, C and E as well as on fiber and potassium. Vitamin A is important for the health of dogs' eyes and skin, while vitamins C and E can help boost the immune system and reduce inflammation. Potassium is important for dogs' heart and muscle health, while fiber can help support digestion.

3. What are the risks of eating apricots for dogs?

Although apricots can be beneficial for dogs, there are also risks to consuming them. Contains apricots Amygdalina compound that can be toxic in large quantities. If dogs eat too many apricots, they may suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Additionally, apricot pits can pose a choking hazard and should be avoided.

  • Advantages: Nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, fiber
  • Risks: Amygdalin, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, choking hazard from seeds


4. Symptoms in dogs that have eaten apricots

When dogs eat apricots, they may experience a variety of symptoms. Some dogs can Diarrhea, Vomit and stomach pain suffer. Others may show signs of poisoning, such as weakness, lethargy, Tremble and cramps. In severe cases, eating apricots in dogs can cause problems Kidney failure lead. It is important that dog owners monitor their dog's symptoms and contact a veterinarian immediately if poisoning is suspected.

5. How Much Apricots Can Dogs Safely Eat?

There is no exact amount of apricots that dogs can safely eat. It depends on the size of the dog and its individual tolerance. However, it is recommended that dogs should only eat apricots in limited quantities. Some veterinarians recommend that dogs eat no more than 10% should receive fruit and vegetables in their daily diet.

6. What to do if a dog has eaten apricots?

If a dog has eaten apricots and is showing symptoms, dog owners should seek veterinary attention immediately. The veterinarian can examine the dog and recommend appropriate treatment. In some cases, it may be necessary to hospitalize the dog and give him fluids and medication.

7. Alternatives to Apricots for Dogs

There are many safe alternatives to apricots for dogs. Some fruits and vegetables that dogs can safely eat are Apples, Bananas, Carrots, Blueberries and Cucumbers. However, it is important that dog owners monitor the amount and frequency of fruits and vegetables in their dog's diet.

8. Conclusion: Can dogs eat apricots?

Although apricots are not toxic to dogs, they should only be eaten in limited quantities and under the supervision of veterinarians or dog owners. Consuming apricots can cause various symptoms in dogs, including poisoning and kidney failure. There are many safe alternatives to apricots that dogs can eat, and it is important that dog owners monitor their dog's diet and ensure it is balanced and healthy. (Source:


1. Can apricots be dangerous for dogs?

Yes, apricots can be dangerous for dogs because they can contain cyanide. Cyanide is a poison that can cause respiratory distress, vomiting, diarrhea and, in severe cases, even death in dogs. It is therefore important to ensure that dogs do not consume large amounts of apricots or apricot kernels.

2. How much apricots can dogs eat?

It is recommended that dogs should only eat small amounts of apricots. One or two pieces are usually safe as long as they are cored and cut into small pieces. However, it is important to be careful not to let dogs eat too many apricots as this can cause digestive problems.

3. What are the symptoms of apricot poisoning in dogs?

Symptoms of apricot poisoning in dogs can include shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and even death in severe cases. If a dog shows signs of poisoning, it should be taken to a veterinarian immediately.