Can dogs eat apricots? A professional explains!

The drupe is very popular with us as well as with dogs. Here you can find out what you should consider and when eating apricots can be life-threatening.

Many dogs love to eat apricots and are almost crazy about the sweet fruit. But can dogs eat apricots?

In a nutshell: Can my dog ​​eat apricots?

Yes, your dog can eat apricots in small amounts, but not the pits. Inside the core is the apricot almond, which contains amygdalin. This toxic substance releases toxic hydrocyanic acid in the dog’s digestive tract. Your dog should not eat the leaves or stems either. In small dogs, there is a risk of life-threatening intestinal obstruction when eating an apricot kernel.

Apricots are healthy for dogs

Apricots contain many nutrients including vitamins A, B, C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium.

What is special about the fruit is the high potassium content. Among other things, this mineral is important for the body’s cells and the regulation of blood pressure.

You should not feed too many apricots because too much potassium can have a dehydrating effect.

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Can dogs eat dried apricots?

You can safely feed your dog a dried apricot.

However, you should note that dried fruits contain a lot of fructose.

In addition, these can stimulate digestion and can have a strong laxative effect, which on the other hand can be an advantage for constipation.

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Apricot kernels contain toxic hydrocyanic acid

Compared to the pulp, the inner core is considered poisonous. This inner core is also known as the apricot almond. When your dog bites the core, the substance it contains releases amygdalin toxic prussic acid free.

This brings with it symptoms of poisoning and is toxic.

Although there is still no exact information as to what quantities of pits are poisonous or even deadly, your four-legged friend should only eat pitted apricots.

My dog ​​ate apricot kernels

Watch your dog over the next few hours and days. Examine the feces and see if the core has been passed.

Feed your dog sauerkraut. This has the property of enveloping foreign bodies and expelling them again without damage.

If your dog becomes restless or is visibly getting worse, you should go to the vet.

If you have a small dog, there is a great risk that the apricot stone will get stuck in the intestine. Because of the size, there is no chance of it coming out the back.

If your little dog has just accidentally swallowed an apricot stone, you must go to the veterinarian or animal hospital immediately.

This gives your dog an injection, which causes him to vomit up the core before it can do any damage to the intestines. However, this must be done as soon as possible.

If necessary, an operation is performed to prevent worse. An untreated intestinal obstruction is life-threatening and leads to death.

Attention: Danger of intestinal obstruction!

While the apricot kernel is excreted in large dogs, it can get stuck in the intestines of small dogs and lead to an intestinal obstruction. Therefore, never leave the pits unattended, but dispose of them immediately after you have pitted the apricot.

How many apricots can my dog ​​eat?

An exact amount cannot be determined. It depends, among other things, on the weight and size of your dog.

If your dog reacts quickly with diarrhea or suffers from digestive problems, you should not feed apricots.

To prevent your dog from choking while eating, you should cut the apricot into small pieces after pitting.


Only feed apricots in small amounts to avoid your furry friend getting flatulence and digestive problems such as diarrhea.

Conclusion: Can dogs eat apricots?

Yes, your dog can eat apricots in small amounts. They contain many healthy nutrients, such as potassium. However, you should never feed them whole, because the apricot kernel contains toxic hydrocyanic acid. In addition, ingestion of an apricot pit in small dogs can cause intestinal obstruction, which if left untreated can be fatal.

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