Can dogs eat apples? An Expert Clarifies!

Apples have a juicy, sweet and sour taste and are also a very nutritious fruit.

Here you can find out whether your dog can eat apples and whether they have any health benefits for your darling.

In a nutshell: Can my dog ​​eat apples?

Yes, your dog can eat this vitamin-rich fruit. Apples are rich in vitamins and minerals. The vitamins they contain are also healthy for your four-legged friend. This gives you the answer to the important question: Yes, your fur nose can eat apples. Most dogs love the taste of apples and can benefit from this fruit at the same time.

But make sure that your dog does not eat the seeds, they can contain hydrocyanic acid.

Apples offer health benefits to your dog

Apples contain numerous vitamins. These include vitamins A, C and K. And the minerals iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc.

These nutrients in apples can offer health benefits to your dog. Not only are they healthy, they can also help with illnesses.

Apples also contain valuable antioxidants, which can prevent health problems such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Apples can help with diarrhea

Apples contain pectins. These are dietary fibers that are mainly contained in the peel. If your darling has gastrointestinal problems and suffers from diarrhea or constipation, the pectin helps to bind the liquid. As a result, the stool becomes more solid and the diarrhea stops.

The same applies to constipation. Then the pectins can help soften the stool. In that case, you should choose a higher dosage. The reason is that if you feed too much fiber, your body reacts with loose stools. This can be very beneficial if you are constipated.

Because every dog ​​reacts differently to apples, you should approach the correct dosage. Give him a small portion first to see how his stomach reacts. If he tolerates it well, you can increase the amount.


If you don’t have fresh apples at home, you can also feed them unsweetened applesauce. Be sure to check the ingredient list for no added sugars, which can be harmful to dogs in high amounts.

clean teeth

You can give your four-legged friend a piece of raw apple after their meal. The healthy snack can not only destroy bacteria in the teeth, but also dissolve tooth discolouration and clean the teeth.

Apple cider vinegar as a natural home remedy

Apple cider vinegar is also healthy for your dog. You can use it diluted externally for insect bites. Apple cider vinegar can also be of great help for skin problems such as eczema, fungi or dandruff.

It can also make dull fur shine when mixed with water.

Healthy shiny coat without chemicals

Add 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to half a liter of water. Pour the mixture onto the fur. Be careful not to get the mixture in your eyes. You can then blow dry your dog or let the coat air dry in warm weather.

The smell of apple cider vinegar will disappear once the coat is dry.

If you have a large dog, you will need more of the apple cider vinegar water mixture accordingly.

Internally it can be used diluted and boosts the metabolism. Furthermore, it has a naturally disinfecting effect and can thus help to improve digestion. It is recommended to mix a teaspoon to a tablespoon into the dog food once or twice a week.

Never give the apple cider vinegar neat. The acid is way too strong. You can also put the apple cider vinegar in the water bowl instead of over the food. Adjust the dosage to your dog’s size.


If you have a female dog, the apple cider vinegar can help deter pushy male dogs while walking. Apple cider vinegar can help reduce the smell your dog has when she is in heat. Add 1-2 teaspoons over dog food or spray with a heavily diluted apple cider vinegar/water mixture.

Reading tip: You should definitely read our article “Can dogs eat peaches?”.

You should keep this in mind when feeding apples

With a piece of apple you offer your dog a change and can enrich its main food with it.

You can offer this fruit to your darling in many ways:

  • raw with/without shell
  • grated or mashed
  • Applesauce (unsweetened!)
  • dried (unsweetened apple chips, or dried yourself)
  • steamed

However, it is very important that you remove the core before feeding.

If your furry friend has never eaten apples, you should start with a small amount and see if it tolerates it. This way you can rule out that he has an allergy to apples. The probability is very small, but there are exceptions. If you notice an allergic reaction, you should take your dog to the vet immediately.

Core Casing (Toxic)

Always remove the cores. There is a risk that these will convert to hydrocyanic acid in the intestine, which is hazardous to health. It can lead to hydrocyanic acid poisoning.

If your dog has eaten the seeds, you should inform the veterinarian immediately.

Can my dog ​​eat the apple with its peel?

Your four-legged friend can eat the bowl without hesitation. It contains most of the vitamins.

If you feed your dog apples with the skin on, it is advisable to use organic quality.

Also, make sure the apples are ripe. If your dog eats a fallen unripe apple while out for a walk, eating it can cause stomach pain.

Conclusion: Can your dog eat apples?

Yes, your dog can eat apples. You can also feed him the shell without hesitation.

However, always remove the seeds before feeding, as these can contain toxic hydrocyanic acid. The apple should also be ripe. But don’t overdo it with the crowd. However, apples are perfectly fine as a snack and provide your dog with many nutrients that can have positive effects on their health.

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