Many dogs have one thing in common: they eat almost everything.
However, we do not always know whether what the dog has eaten is really healthy for him.
Hence the question of whether your dog can have coconut milk. We will tell you the answer in this guide.
In a nutshell: Can dogs drink coconut milk?
Yes, dogs can drink or eat coconut milk.
With one caveat: In moderation. Coconut milk is often enriched with additives that are not necessarily healthy for the dog.
Is coconut milk good for dogs?
Coconut milk has been enjoyed with us for many years as one of the superfoods. You might not think so, but that’s the way it is. Because coconut milk may contain a lot of fat. But these are good fats.
And the others too ingredients the coconut milk should work miracles.
Apart from that, it just tastes delicious. What we see, many dogs also see. And they are obsessed with the exotic drink.
But is that really healthy? In moderation and depending on the quality of the coconut milk, the clear answer is yes!
Because coconut milk can do that immune system strengthen, so the virus control support and the give fur a silky sheen.
Coconut milk is also credited with den to improve the dog’s breath. A very interesting argument for one or the other dog owner.
Reading tip: Be sure to read our article on Can Dogs Eat Coconut?
How much coconut milk can my dog?
Since coconut milk is most likely a dietary supplement, you should pay attention to a few points.
For one, the coconut milk should in small stages in the nutrition plan be introduced. Because this addition always means getting used to the digestive tract. This doesn’t happen overnight.
In addition, experts recommend that the amount of coconut milk a few milliliters a day does not exceed.
Can my dog eat other coconut products?
If your dog is allowed to drink coconut milk, there is actually nothing to be said against other products made from coconut. But the same applies here: the quality should be first class.
additionsfor example sugar or – much worse – sweetener have no business here.
coconut water/coconut water
So it’s perfectly fine if your dog occasionally enjoys, for example coconut water comes.
The advantage: This is rich in electrolytes and nutrients.
The disadvantage: It doesn’t taste quite as delicious as the coconut milk.
coconut oil
Your fur nose is also allowed to eat or drink in moderation – depending on the consistency coconut oil.
Like coconut milk, there are plenty of healthy ones hidden here too fatty acids – by the way, they are unsaturated, preferably several times.
coconut yogurt
Depending on the ingredients, coconut yoghurt can be another coconut product that your dog will be happy about.
Caution is advised when the yoghurt on milki.e. lactose-based.
It’s not harmful in small amounts. But in general: dogs and lactose are not best friends.
Excessive consumption can lead to bloating and diarrhea, among other things.
Also, these products are mostly with Sugar enriched. Then you should rather keep your hands off it.
Coconut Treat
Every dog loves a treat – or even better: lots of them!
There’s nothing wrong with this Make your own treats. The advantage: you know exactly what is in them.
Maybe even a little coconut milk? Unsweetened and of good quality, you can use it to conjure up one or two treats. Your dog will be delighted!
coconut ice cream
We don’t mean ice cream in the classic sense. Rather you can Coconut milk ice cream make. These are a great idea, especially in the summer.
You just fill it up a little Coconut milk in a kong and put it in the freezer. He can then lick it out with relish.
Strictly speaking, the coconut is not a nut but a fruit. Does this affect whether your dog is allowed to eat the coconut?
Not really – he’s definitely allowed to eat them here Desiccated coconut or coconut flakes.
That too flesh of the coconut is a sensible and nutritious addition to the canine diet.
Already knew?
In fact, there is a cat breed in Asia that has taken advantage of a specific effect of coconut. Because this should help against intestinal parasites and worms. What the cat can do, the dog can do too.
And so more and more dog owners are accessing, among other things coconut oil and coconut flakesto get rid of the pests in a natural way to prevent. Coconut oil is also said to help, already “flush” any worms present in the dog’s intestinal tract.
However, please discuss this with your veterinarian. Does he hold this Coconut Dewormer a good idea, so there’s nothing wrong with trying it out.
Dogs and coconut products is – the guide has shown – quite a good idea.
It is important that this non-nut and the respective products are always consumed in moderation.
After all, the exotic plant is not part of a western dog diet and can quickly lead to digestive problems.
Stand against it lots of positive qualitiesthat can improve your dog’s health.
How do you feel about coconut for your dog? Have you tried this before?
Then we would be happy if you share your experiences or those of your dog with us in the comments!