Can best friends be boyfriends? reasons

These are the reasons why best friends can be boyfriends and build happy, healthy and lasting couple relationships.

Although experts in relationships and couples therapy assure that being friends in the couple is impossible and even detrimental to a relationship, there is an exception: when love arises from a very close friendship.

5 reasons why best friends can be boyfriends

Why do best friends often end up dating? The reasons can be varied, for example, they like each other and precisely they were single; or else the friendship became so close that the arrival of romance becomes inevitable.

Contrary to what is commonly thought, courtship between best friends can work and we detail the reasons below…

It’s exciting and exciting

Deep down, they both know that they shouldn’t be together, because they are friends, and this will be exciting, especially if they decide to keep the secret, because their relationship will become a capsule, a space just for the two of them.

They remain friends

The great thing about this relationship is that, despite the intense love that grows between the two, they will feel in a safe place because the friendship is still there; They will be able to talk about topics that you would never touch with a boyfriend.

In addition, they will also continue to share all the activities of friendship, such as going out to buy clothes, partying with mutual friends, spending all night talking nonstop, etc.

They’ve seen the worst in each other

One of the reasons why falling in love ends in a couple relationship is because we idealize the other and we fall from a great height when we discover that, like any person, they have a dark side.

Best friends already know their flaws very well and know how to deal with them perfectly; they give space exactly when they know they have to and come over when they feel they are needed.

history is known

Not only do they know exactly how many people each other has been with, but they also know why they broke up with their exes, what bothers them about relationships, and what they like.

This will be very helpful to build the relationship that is going from friendship to love on clearer foundations, as they can avoid mistakes made in the past by and with other people.

There are no awkward silences

As they are used to spending a lot of time together doing different activities that have nothing to do with the love relationship and they are not in a conquest plan, they feel comfortable with each other.

Everyday life will develop naturally, organically, without impositions; They will be able to talk for hours or not cross a word while each one goes about their business, and there will be no misunderstandings or claims for it, as happens with a relationship in which the members are just getting to know each other.

Finally, if you are sure that there is no love there, but there is desire and you want to enjoy the moment without ruining the friendship, you must comply with the following commandments for friends with benefits. This way the friendship will not be ruined.

Has it happened to you? Tell us about your experience in the comments of this note on our Face fanpage, and share it on your networks social!

With information from: All Women’s Talk