Can a minor go to a psychologist without telling his parents? – Online Psychologists

When we talk about minors and psychologists There are certain considerations that we must take into account. We must know that a minor cannot go to the psychologist under any circumstances and that there are laws that regulate their psychological care and the role of parents or guardians in it.

Can a minor go to a psychologist?

Yes, you can, but with nuances.Minors will need their parents' consent to see a psychologist..

Although Article 25 of the Code of Ethics for the Profession of Psychologist It is somewhat ambiguous in this regard, as it simply states that “In the case of minors or legally incapacitated persons, their parents or guardians will be informed”this cannot be placed above what is dictated by the Civil code which establishes thatParental authority will be exercised jointly by both parents or by one alone with the express or tacit consent of the other.”.

Based on this basis, regulated by law, we must establish some clarifications regarding specific circumstances.

Do you need permission from your parents?

The law establishes that in non-ordinary cases, such as taking a minor to a psychologist, Parental authority requires the agreement of both parents (except if a Court Sentence has granted the capacity to decide in that specific case to only one of the parents). Therefore, the professional must always verify that both holders of parental authority, and in full exercise of the same, consent to the carrying out of the psychological services requested by at least one of their parents.

What if he wants to go but his parents don't let him?

If a psychologist sees a minor, he or she must first obtain information about the situation of the parents and the reasons why they are not present at the appointment. A psychologist may never treat a minor without the consent of his or her parents.In these cases, some professionals suggest the possibility of going to a family doctor who may be able to intervene in some way in our problem. Either by speaking to the parents themselves or by referring the minor to a section of social security.

What happens if the parents are separated and one of them does not give authorization?

If the parents of the minor are separated or divorced, it is advisable to review the judgment to check whether the exercise of parental authority is joint (which is usually the case) or if, on the contrary, only one of the holders has exclusive exercise in some matters (such as: interventions of a psychologist).

If one of the holders does not give consent for the intervention of a psychologist, The requesting guardian may appeal through courtIn this case, a judge will hear both holders of parental authority and at least if the latter were over 12 years old. After this The judge will assign the power to decide to the father or the mother.being able to make the decision without the consent of the other.

How do I know if my child needs a psychologist?

Sometimes, as parents, we wonder if our children are facing emotional or mental challenges. Here are some signs that might indicate that consulting a child psychologist might be helpful:

  • Drastic changes in behavior:If you notice sudden changes in your child's behavior, such as becoming more withdrawn, aggressive, or distant, it could be a sign that something is going on.
  • Problems at school:If your child's academic performance has suddenly declined, or if there are constant complaints from teachers about his or her behavior, it could be a sign of emotional difficulties.
  • Social problems: Difficulty making friends or maintaining social relationships may indicate emotional problems. Pay attention if your child seems isolated or has lost interest in activities he or she used to enjoy.
  • Changes in sleeping or eating habits: Trouble sleeping or changes in eating patterns can be signs of emotional stress.
  • Expressions of sadness or anxiety: Children don't always express their emotions directly, but pay attention if your child mentions feeling sad, anxious, or overwhelmed.
  • Constant physical complaints:Recurring headaches or stomach aches without an apparent physical cause could be symptoms of emotional distress.
  • Recent traumas: If your child has experienced traumatic events, such as the loss of a loved one or parental divorce, he or she may benefit from professional help.
  • Changes in energy levels: Both lack of energy and extreme hyperactivity could be indicators of emotional problems.

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If you notice several of these signs or simply feel that something is not right, consider consulting one of our therapists.

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As a parent, do I need therapy too?

Raising children involves emotional challenges, and sometimes parents need support. In this context, the parenting stressomnipresent in daily life, can be overwhelming and affect quality of life. Therefore, therapy presents itself as a valuable resource, providing strategies to manage stress and promote self-care.

Besides, significant family changes, Such as the arrival of a new child or divorce, can impact the mental health of parents. In this sense, therapy offers a safe space to explore and adapt to these transformations.

Behavior modeling becomes crucially important as children learn by example. Therefore, therapy trains parents to become healthy emotional role models.

In turn, tensions in the relationship between parents directly affect the emotional well-being of children. In this context, therapy provides tools for improve communication and strengthen family ties.

Self-exploration, vital in parenting, finds in therapy a propitious space to address questions about one's own identity and past experiences.

Although It doesn't have to be necessaryThe truth is that parent therapy not only improves the quality of life of these, but also contributes to the overall well-being of the familybuilding healthier relationships and a happier home.

If you notice several of these signs or if you just feel like something isn't right, consider consulting one of our therapists. These professionals are trained to work with children and can provide the support needed to address your emotional and mental concerns. Remember that Asking for help is not only brave, but can make a big difference in your child's life..

In Psychia We have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career we have helped more than 2,000 patients overcome various emotional problems. If you are interested in seeking the help of an online psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.

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  • We have been leaders in online psychological care since 2012.
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  • Online therapy from 40 euros per session.
  • Team of senior psychologists, with decades of experience.
  • All the therapy we offer is via videoconference. 100% confidential.
  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.

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